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In the newest EGM they gave out E3 awards that weren't your usual "game of the show" and "best XBox360 game" awards. Two of them were the best and worst AI. The best AI went to Halo 3 while the worst went to Killzone 2. What are your thoughts on this, besides the usual "it's not finished yet." If there's one thing that I know from game previews, it's that the AI doesn't usually change too much from one build to the next.SuperVegeta518
Game in Progress VS. A completed game...sounds about right
Neither was a finished game during E3. Do you guys read more than the title?SuperVegeta518
E3 was in July, right? That's two months before the release of Halo 3, ofcourse its gonna have better AI.
I don't know what the final product will be like, but lets give KZ2 a chance and wait until they give us a peek at the latest build before release.
Neither was a finished game during E3. Do you guys read more than the title?SuperVegeta518
Saying "it's not a finished game" is an acceptable response in my opinion, especially considering the circumstances -- at E3, Halo 3 had just over a month of development time left before it went golden. Conversely, Killzone 2 has over half a year of development time left, and if Guerrilla are to be believed, it's currently still in the pre-alpha phase. They also stated that the AI will be completed at a later date.
Neither was a finished game during E3. Do you guys read more than the title?SuperVegeta518
Also during Killzone 2 demonstration, they said they toned down the A.I so they can show the game better.
And they said A.I is work in progress.
Neither was a finished game during E3. Do you guys read more than the title?SuperVegeta518
Halo 3 was still developed more than that ignorant comment you made right there it's safe to assume your just a lemming who out of boredom decided to compare to compare a pre-alpha unfinished game and a certified gold game....
Logic seems to be one of your dominant traits....:|
In the newest EGM they gave out E3 awards that weren't your usual "game of the show" and "best XBox360 game" awards. Two of them were the best and worst AI. The best AI went to Halo 3 while the worst went to Killzone 2. What are your thoughts on this, besides the usual "it's not finished yet." If there's one thing that I know from game previews, it's that the AI doesn't usually change too much from one build to the next.SuperVegeta518
my thought is that the KZ2 AI is awsome, considering the game was being palye don god mode...the KZ2 AI react to everything, including wheather...halo 3 AI isnt that special, also that was KZ2 back at e3 they showed new stuff and hte game has already improved
That was WAY TOO EARLY!:P Nope, KZ2's got the BEST AI any shooter's ever had, although Halo and Resistance have some pretty good AI, but they're also pretty predictable.NYrockinlegend
Over hyping it doesn't make it a better game you know? It wont magically improve so how about some honesty.
That was WAY TOO EARLY!:P Nope, KZ2's got the BEST AI any shooter's ever had, although Halo and Resistance have some pretty good AI, but they're also pretty predictable.NYrockinlegend
Halo 3 has predictable enemy A.I.? Set difficulty to legendary, play alone, come back after 2 hours of agony and say that again with a straight face!
Anyone who makes a Killzone 2 related thread should be banned.
It's just disgusting ow many KZ2 threads have been made in the last few days.
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