[QUOTE="Planeforger"][QUOTE="Spartan070"][QUOTE="Sully28"] The saved film feature is cool, but its not new, nor is it somthign that will change gameplay. Forge will, but it aint no where near as cool as garys mod. Hell i still love going on fight to survive servers and making a fort with workign doors with key pads, booby traps, and turrent to keep out the enemy while i snipe people with my cross bow. You will never get somthign liek that with forge.
Its not innovative.
Gary's Mod can't be done online with a group of friends, blending in the modding elements with the playing elements seamlessly.Yes it can...and it supports user-created content.
*Edit* Oh, and you can use it to play, say, Half-Life 2's singleplayer campaign cooperatively with all of the modding elements.
hey i always had a question. considering the mod is called garys mod. im assuming some kid gary made it, just some normal dude.
Did he ever get like some kind of job or something with some gaming company. I mean that guy deserves something IMO.
he could be the next will wright or miyamoto.he definetly wasnt a kid...I remember that.
anywho...seeing as how Valve bought the mod, and now charges for it....Im assuming he made quite a lot of money....
Im not absolutly positive...but I have heard he now works for valve.
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