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For all the talk there is about Halo 3 boosting the Xbox 360's sales and finally smoking the competition, they forget about this. Going into the Xbox 360's second year, Halo 3 has virtually no chance of outselling a Wii launch title, just as GeOW had no chance. The game has an 1:1 attach rate in the U.S., where the Wii is selling even better than the PS2 did in its early days, it has close to 1:1 attach in Japan and almost as much in other regions. It's already doing much more for the Wii than any other "system seller" might have done in the past. It's opened up a whole new demographic to enter the market. Halo 3 has no chance to compete against that. Soon developper support will switch to the Wii, as Namco already did. From the moment Hideo Kojima reveal his unnamed Wii project, the domino effect will start and the Wii will win the console war.TNT_Slug
Let me guess. Sheepboy, right?
The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.Gamer46
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
[QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.monkeysrfat
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
[QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.Gamer46
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
Born with a controller in hand?
[QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.Gamer46
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
Lemming fanboys call anything from nintendo crap;). And whats that just because wii is selling means it will cause the end of gaming? ya whatever.
[QUOTE="Gamer46"][QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.ArisShadows
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
Born with a controller in hand?
Nope, but I did start playing when I was 5 so even if I did like some crappy games I didn't have a disposable income, I couldn't run out and buy trash and besides, gaming was a niche market when I got in to it.
[QUOTE="Gamer46"][QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.monkeysrfat
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
Lemming fanboys call anything from nintendo crap;). And whats that just because wii is selling means it will cause the end of gaming? ya whatever.
Look at the Wii's best selling games then tell me it's not bad for the industry. Stuff like Wii Play and WarioWare is pure garbage yet these will be the kind of games we see more of in the future, while RPGs, action games, etc become a thing of the past.
[QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"][QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.Gamer46
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
Lemming fanboys call anything from nintendo crap;). And whats that just because wii is selling means it will cause the end of gaming? ya whatever.
Look at the Wii's best selling games then tell me it's not bad for the industry. Stuff like Wii Play and WarioWare is pure garbage yet these will be the kind of games we see more of in the future, while RPGs, action games, etc become a thing of the past.
Mixed in with zelda and paper mario. Yeah I'm just gonna ignore the so called hardcore games. And warioware is awesome! although it didn't deserve a nine. There will always be games for people like you. Can't believe your worrying about so called hardcore games becoming extinct when wii hasn't even sold 10million
[QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.Gamer46
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
how is it ruining it. DId resident evil, halo, splintercell, mgs, ff become minigames. no. did devs stop making anything other than minigames. no. stop bieng blind. All wii did is bring in more consumers, and establish a new product in the wii. The wii is an excellent secondary console for the different type of library the wii will have. Nintendo 1st party is tops. The wii potential is very good. Your being blind, and overreacting.[QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"][QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.Gamer46
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
Lemming fanboys call anything from nintendo crap;). And whats that just because wii is selling means it will cause the end of gaming? ya whatever.
Look at the Wii's best selling games then tell me it's not bad for the industry. Stuff like Wii Play and WarioWare is pure garbage yet these will be the kind of games we see more of in the future, while RPGs, action games, etc become a thing of the past.
wii play and wii sports sold alot in japan. also wii sports in US sells to drinkers. I know. Zelda and Superpapermario sold. both are for hardcore gamers. Both are not casual games. Both are not minigames. both offer quality AA here. Zelda was AAA everywhere else and is AAA on gamerankings. Warioware is AA everywhere else and is a good game if u like the genre. more consumers means, that gaming can expand and become even more famous and more devs can have money, and they can make more good quality games.GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.Gamer46OMG you lemmings are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. After the flopbox and its crappy sequel ruined many PC games because they had to be downgraded for the inferior MS consoles (Oblivion with its retarded combat system and microtransactions being the main offender) just so greedy developpers could make a quick buck, I don't see how you can complain about "your favorite hobby being ruined by some other gamer group." Tell me, how does it feel when what you did to PC gaming is happening to YOU?
[QUOTE="Gamer46"][QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"][QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]The GC 1.5 will win because it's cheap and non-gamers are fools.jg4xchamp
Wow must be embarrasing for you cows and lemmings. The craptacular Gc 1.5 is actually outselling your precious 360 and ps3. And the even more craptular gba is outselling the almighty ps3!
GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.
Lemming fanboys call anything from nintendo crap;). And whats that just because wii is selling means it will cause the end of gaming? ya whatever.
Look at the Wii's best selling games then tell me it's not bad for the industry. Stuff like Wii Play and WarioWare is pure garbage yet these will be the kind of games we see more of in the future, while RPGs, action games, etc become a thing of the past.
wii play and wii sports sold alot in japan. also wii sports in US sells to drinkers. I know. Zelda and Superpapermario sold. both are for hardcore gamers. Both are not casual games. Both are not minigames. both offer quality AA here. Zelda was AAA everywhere else and is AAA on gamerankings. Warioware is AA everywhere else and is a good game if u like the genre. more consumers means, that gaming can expand and become even more famous and more devs can have money, and they can make more good quality games.Damn straight
[QUOTE="Gamer46"]GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.TNT_SlugOMG you lemmings are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. After the flopbox and its crappy sequel ruined many PC games because they had to be downgraded for the inferior MS consoles (Oblivion with its retarded combat system and microtransactions being the main offender) just so greedy developpers could make a quick buck, I don't see how you can complain about "your favorite hobby being ruined by some other gamer group." Tell me, how does it feel when what you did to PC gaming is happening to YOU? Uhh... first you lose any credibility you may have had by using the term "flopbox". Not only is it stupid, but it doesn't even make sense. Second, Morrowind was on the original Xbox, yet the PC version of that isn't watered down? Not to mention the fact that morrowind is just a watered down version of daggerfall, and compared to daggerfall morrowind is the Warioware of RPGs. Try and find a better example next time 'mkay?
For all the talk there is about Halo 3 boosting the Xbox 360's sales and finally smoking the competition, they forget about this. Going into the Xbox 360's second year, Halo 3 has virtually no chance of outselling a Wii launch title, just as GeOW had no chance. The game has an 1:1 attach rate in the U.S., where the Wii is selling even better than the PS2 did in its early days, it has close to 1:1 attach in Japan and almost as much in other regions. It's already doing much more for the Wii than any other "system seller" might have done in the past. It's opened up a whole new demographic to enter the market. Halo 3 has no chance to compete against that. Soon developper support will switch to the Wii, as Namco already did. From the moment Hideo Kojima reveal his unnamed Wii project, the domino effect will start and the Wii will win the console war.TNT_Slug
mmmk,ya buddy..just sleep it off. :roll:
wow,that guy's got problems lol.
[QUOTE="TNT_Slug"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.pundogOMG you lemmings are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. After the flopbox and its crappy sequel ruined many PC games because they had to be downgraded for the inferior MS consoles (Oblivion with its retarded combat system and microtransactions being the main offender) just so greedy developpers could make a quick buck, I don't see how you can complain about "your favorite hobby being ruined by some other gamer group." Tell me, how does it feel when what you did to PC gaming is happening to YOU? Uhh... first you lose any credibility you may have had by using the term "flopbox". Not only is it stupid, but it doesn't even make sense. Second, Morrowind was on the original Xbox, yet the PC version of that isn't watered down? Not to mention the fact that morrowind is just a watered down version of daggerfall, and compared to daggerfall morrowind is the Warioware of RPGs. Try and find a better example next time 'mkay? How is the Xbox not a flop? abysmal sales, zero market penetration in Japan, and 4 BILLION worth of losses for Microsoft... It was so terrible it got discontinued after only 4 years. Oh and your comment about Morrowind supports my argument, doesn't contradict it. Dumbed down for the Xbox. Just because I chose to mention Oblivion instead because it's even worse doesn't mean it doesn't make a suitable example.
lol, I'm pretty sure if Halo 3 was packaged with the x360 for the same price as the 360 it would outsell wiisports by miles.haris12121212
Lol thats an rtardish thing to say. Wii sports reaches out to alot more people like casuals, non gamers, hardcore gamers. where as halo only reaches out to people who like good shooters and maybe casuals.
[QUOTE="haris12121212"]lol, I'm pretty sure if Halo 3 was packaged with the x360 for the same price as the 360 it would outsell wiisports by miles.monkeysrfat
Lol thats an rtardish thing to say. Wii sports reaches out to alot more people like casuals, non gamers, hardcore gamers. where as halo only reaches out to people who like good shooters and maybe casuals.
So your saying even a new born baby could play Wii sports?
[QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="TNT_Slug"][QUOTE="Gamer46"]GBA isn't crap if you like handheld gaming, and it's not embarrasing as much as it is disappointing. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't get enjoyment out of watching one of my favorite hobbies getting ruined by people who had never picked up a controller in their lives before 2006.TNT_SlugOMG you lemmings are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. After the flopbox and its crappy sequel ruined many PC games because they had to be downgraded for the inferior MS consoles (Oblivion with its retarded combat system and microtransactions being the main offender) just so greedy developpers could make a quick buck, I don't see how you can complain about "your favorite hobby being ruined by some other gamer group." Tell me, how does it feel when what you did to PC gaming is happening to YOU? Uhh... first you lose any credibility you may have had by using the term "flopbox". Not only is it stupid, but it doesn't even make sense. Second, Morrowind was on the original Xbox, yet the PC version of that isn't watered down? Not to mention the fact that morrowind is just a watered down version of daggerfall, and compared to daggerfall morrowind is the Warioware of RPGs. Try and find a better example next time 'mkay? How is the Xbox not a flop? abysmal sales, zero market penetration in Japan, and 4 BILLION worth of losses for Microsoft... It was so terrible it got discontinued after only 4 years. Oh and your comment about Morrowind supports my argument, doesn't contradict it. Dumbed down for the Xbox. Just because I chose to mention Oblivion instead because it's even worse doesn't mean it doesn't make a suitable example.
1) The Xbox simply selling was considered a success for MS, it was impressive the Xbox was even able to outsell the GC.
2) Losses don't mean anything in the case of the Xbox. MS was breaking into a market where even major players (like Sega) managed to die off, the Xbox was never supposed to make money.
3) The xbox wasn't discontinued, it was replaced by the 360. By that logic why did Nintendo discontinue the GC?
4) I'm not going to explain why Morrowind being watered down was a good thing, go google daggerfall. But I will say this, Daggerfall in terms of area is twice the size of the UK. Plus if Oblivion is such a bad game, why are all 3 versions in the top 10 highest rated RPGs of all time?
lol, I'm pretty sure if Halo 3 was packaged with the x360 for the same price as the 360 it would outsell wiisports by miles.haris12121212The 360 did worse than the Gamecube in the beginning of its life cycle. The Wii did better than the PS2 at the beginning. Link here:
So if Halo 1 being a lauch title didn't prevent the Xbox from doing terribly compared to the PS2, what makes you think Halo 3 would be so different?
For all the talk there is about Halo 3 boosting the Xbox 360's sales and finally smoking the competition, they forget about this. Going into the Xbox 360's second year, Halo 3 has virtually no chance of outselling a Wii launch title, just as GeOW had no chance. The game has an 1:1 attach rate in the U.S., where the Wii is selling even better than the PS2 did in its early days, it has close to 1:1 attach in Japan and almost as much in other regions. It's already doing much more for the Wii than any other "system seller" might have done in the past. It's opened up a whole new demographic to enter the market. Halo 3 has no chance to compete against that. Soon developper support will switch to the Wii, as Namco already did. From the moment Hideo Kojima reveal his unnamed Wii project, the domino effect will start and the Wii will win the console war.TNT_Slug
[QUOTE="monkeysrfat"][QUOTE="haris12121212"]lol, I'm pretty sure if Halo 3 was packaged with the x360 for the same price as the 360 it would outsell wiisports by miles.Neal_Gore
Lol thats an rtardish thing to say. Wii sports reaches out to alot more people like casuals, non gamers, hardcore gamers. where as halo only reaches out to people who like good shooters and maybe casuals.
So your saying even a new born baby could play Wii sports?
lol no. What I'm trying to say is that in terms of sales wii sports reaches out to more people than halo 3 because its easier to get into. A baby could play wii sports but he would suck at it. Same with halo 3
To 1, 2 and 3: That's funny, you're admitting the Xbox wasn't supposed to even achieve anything, I suppose something can't be a flop if there's zero expectations for it. Outselling purple lunchboxes isn't something I would call much of an achievement, specially since the link I provided before proves the 360 will LOSE market share for Microsoft.1) The Xbox simply selling was considered a success for MS, it was impressive the Xbox was even able to outsell the GC.
2) Losses don't mean anything in the case of the Xbox. MS was breaking into a market where even major players (like Sega) managed to die off, the Xbox was never supposed to make money.
3) The xbox wasn't discontinued, it was replaced by the 360. By that logic why did Nintendo discontinue the GC?
4) I'm not going to explain why Morrowind being watered down was a good thing, go google daggerfall. But I will say this, Daggerfall in terms of area is twice the size of the UK. Plus if Oblivion is such a bad game, why are all 3 versions in the top 10 highest rated RPGs of all time?
As to #4: Morrowind had many features removed or simplified when compared to what Daggerfall had. Condensing the map size into a small, more dynamic area was a mandatory interface upgrade but it doesn't remove the fact that it was watered down, nor does it turn this into a good thing. And what do I care about Oblivion's awards? It's so clear to me that a game where you can get through every battle by mashing only one butting is retarded, people should be able to judge this themselves without game sites telling them what to think. :roll:
Wii is fun.......Halo 3 is fun.....360 is what you want....we can all be friends!!!coltonnaslundI was reading through this thread again and I saw this post. Then it hit me. Why be a fanboy? I can just have fun playing videogames and not worry about the system war. Thanks to you Colton I have seen the light and I'll never be a fanboy again!!! Let's just forget about the sales of Wii Sports and Halo 3 now, please!
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