Im making this because someone will make this thread eventually. If there wasnt so many stickys i would suggest sticky. So i wont have to come to these forums fearing these threads. Hopefully we can keep it hear for as long as possible.
All Discuss on these 3 outstanding exclusive shooters.
Here is my breakdown
Halo 3
Finish the Fight..
This game wont offer much other than to finish this great story it started a few years ago. Multiplayer looks like halo 2 other then the obvious new weapons, vehicles and stages. Gameplay looks the same and the Graphics got a Nice Upgrade. Environments looks the best IMO out of the 3 But also we have seen more of this title than the others.
Killzone 2
The good news is: Its just a great looking game. The bad news is:Its just a great looking game. No groundbreaking FPSgameplay elements. Nothing really out of the ordinary.have been show. Looks like yourbasic looking FPS with good graphics. Im gonna need to see more cause of now thats where it stands . Its got nothin to set itself apart from other shooters.(except for graphics and massive hype)Its got to somehow bring something to the table to make it a definitive shooter of the PS3 and Redeem itself from its previous blunder.
Metroid Prime 3
Hands Down one of the best if not the best looking Wii game. Recent trailers show that this game has had alot of work. One of the best polish jobs i have seen compared to last E3. Its got alot of hype to overcome with the rumored groundbreaking controls. From recent impressions it seemed like it might be a sucess. Like Halo the Metroid Prime series has been great and it is also trying to have a accomplished finisher.
Hopefully we will see more from these three titles.
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