Poll Halo 4 or Killzone Shadow Fall: Which one sucked more? (124 votes)
Both were the fourth 'mainline' entries in the flagship shooter franchises for their platform, and both sucked, but which one sucked more?
Both were the fourth 'mainline' entries in the flagship shooter franchises for their platform, and both sucked, but which one sucked more?
I wouldn't say either sucked as I had a great time with both. Shadow Fall was my least favorite of the two though.
I can't believe this is a topic of discussion. KZ:SF is far worse than Halo 4, in just about every single way. I own and have beaten both, and KZ:SF for the most part has a terribly designed campaign from a gameplay perspective, while halo is far more interesting. Halo 4 has great co-op play, better online play (maps and balance), an in game map editor, and more. KZ is bare bones in comparison, badly designed single player (that makes no use of a somewhat interesting setting) and a meh multiplayer mode vs a pretty well polished Halo game....IMO Halo 4 is at least an 8 or an 8.5, while I personally regard Killzone as a 6.
Shadow Fall by a long shot. Never got why people thought Halo 4 sucked so much, it wasn't amazing but it was on par with Reach in my eyes. Shadow Fall was on par with Killzone 1. The singleplayer was awful and the multiplayer isn't much better, everything about it just feels sloppily done apart from the graphics.
Well, Killzone was always designed strictly to be (or at least attempt to be) a "Halo killer". Now that Bungie has left MS, Guerilla has become a studio without any more goals left to achieve. No wonder Killzone Shadow Fall fell apart.
Look at this timeline of the series since 343 took over http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=709697
If thats not killing an IP I don't know what is.
The people who dislike Halo 4 simply have bad taste in video games. If you actually think Shadow Fall was a better game then Halo 4, then I can't help but think that you like generic, rushed, and unpolished trash.
Halo 4 is actually a good game . Shadow Fall is weakest in the series , and overall series isn't that good either .
Look at this timeline of the series since 343 took over http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=709697
If thats not killing an IP I don't know what is.
Lol. Has nothing to do with the thread.
Halo 4 because I expect it to be good. Seriously halo 4 is such a garbage game even the devs admitted they made many mistakes and asked for forgivness. Halo reach is also garbage
Halo 4 is actually a good game . Shadow Fall is weakest in the series , and overall series isn't that good either .
Well, I have to disagree that KZSF was the weakest entry. The story was a lot more personal, you felt connected to Lucas which I think I did not feel the same way in other entries. It was told rather decently, if not in a rather quaint European fashion that has ways to catch up with American storytelling. KZSF campaign was easily the best out of all Killzone campaigns. I never enjoyed Killzone's multiplayer however. It always felt too slow and clunky. I'd rather a pace closer to Battlefield 4 but that's just me.
Didn't really play much of the Halo 4 multiplayer, but I must say the campaign is much better than the KZ:SF campaign. More interesting enemies, story, gameplay, art, that sort of stuff. KZ:SF has the graphics, sure, but it honestly just feels like a half-baked, assembly line FPS, where Halo 4 still had some heart and flavor put into it. I wouldn't say it's the best Halo by any stretch, and probably gets beat by KZ2 or maybe 3, but it's a much better entry than SF in either franchise.
Halo 4 didn't suck. Shadowfall is the very definition of how not to make a FPS.
I can excuse 343, seeing as how it's their first game, and not to mention it's Halo. Not exactly an easy task to take over Halo.
GG had already worked on 3 Killzone games, and yet they managed to set the bar lower with the 4th installment.
Uh, Halo 4 was fckng spectacular. Best solo fps this gen, BY FAR(Halo3 remains best multiplayer fps).
@charizard1605 Halo 4 was not a bad game. It was a let down as a Halo game, but it was not a bad game.
@charizard1605 Halo 4 was not a bad game. It was a let down as a Halo game, but it was not a bad game.
Halo remains the first and so far only time that:
I think Halo 4 was a mediocre game. Sure, it's not even in the same league of sucking as Shadow Fall, but the fact that this comparison can be made at all is pretty telling overall.
I really liked both games, both of their multiplayer was astonishing to play and look at. But both fell flat from a single-player experience, I was more disappointed with Killzone's campaign because that was a hot mess lol. I didn't like Halo 4's either, but at least he tied up some loose ends
As disappointing as Halo 4 might have been I don't think there's any possible way it could be as boring as a Killzone title. Killzone is the Mona Lisa of shit.
I never played Halo 4, but I can't imagine it being any worse than Shadow Fall... not that I played that one all the way either, about an hour of it was all I could take.
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