Your preaching to the choir man, but balance in Halo has always been all over the place.
Let's be real even the glory days Halo 2's BR was well it was the BR, **** everything else lol. Especially because of BXR and stuff. The crap maps also aren't exclusive to just Halo 4, Halo 3 had shitty ass maps left, right, and center. Let's not act like Isolation wasn't a doo doo fest, or that Construct wasn't outright garbage, or that Narrows isn't one giant "This is Bungie's shitty spawn system with a spot light on it". And no fucking way on God's green earth can someone who honestly played Halo 2 at its height in popularity tell me for five seconds that Blackout wasn't a complete butt rape of everything that made Lockout fun in the first place. and Reach had dumb shit like Paradiso. I would argue the new weapons were a mixed bag, and less out right bad. The new shotgun was kind of nifty, Binary Rifle was op as ****, but you also got it rarely, the light rifle was lame as ****. Perks+Halo are lame. Perks in their own space in a game built around them would be fine.
Again, for people who just wanted them to make "another fucking Halo" good for them. It'll probably get them their MLG spot back(because hooray I guess). But the stuff I loved about Halo 2 was all the bullshit that came along with easily the best map roster in that series by the countriest of country miles. BXB, BXR, sky jumps, cancels. Fucking go the extra mile and make Halo crazy and fun again, custom games with those things was the shit. Halo Reach's custom games specifically were a ton of fun. Halo 3's less so, and Halo 4 that shit was straight neutered.
So yeah for anyone who wanted more? good for you guys I guess. But I don't want another Halo, as much as I'd like an actual progressive game from this series.
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