I love FPS, as a PC gamer FPS is one of the first genres I got into...well before story driven fantasy RPGs existed. Every single highly acclaimed FPS game such as Half Life 2, F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Stalker, Crysis - I can appreciate the superb shooting mechanics. There is however one FPS I simply cannot see what the fuss is about. That would be Halo. Now I'm not saying all of them were bad, infact Halo Reach and ODST were very fun to play however deserves no where near the critical acclaim they got. I can understand Halo 1 being so popular since the gameplay and graphics were ahead of its time back then, Halo 2 simply rode the popularity and fulfilled the need of gamers. Here's where I cannot understand, Halo 3 was by far one of the ugliest looking games back in 2007 especially when there were games like Crysis. From a gameplay perspective, this was also released after superb titles like Half Life 2 and F.E.A.R., in no way was Halo 3's shooting as solid as the two previously mentioned games. Yet it still received critical acclaim. The campaign was as short as a call of duty campaign, the storyline was pretty bland - something about an alien invasion, rings... whatever.The shooting was weak. What I don't understand is, clearly Halo is outdated in every single criteria, whether it be graphics - Crysis, storyline - Bioshock, shooting mechanics - F.E.A.R., it does nothing right yet people still defend it to their deaths.
If Halo 3 or the latest halo games were called something else, it would be something like this; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_8_(video_game)
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