Season 2 Sneak Peek!
Fill preview here, covering Land Grab, King of the Hill and Last Spartan Standing:
Halo Infinite Season 2
The return of the king (of the hill)!
You know how the game is played, but there’s a little bit of a twist to this one. A neutral hill spawns on the map and two teams battle it out to control the hill and earn points. When a player enters the hill uncontested, it is captured and begins earning 1 point per second into a capture bar. When a team’s capture bar is full, they score 1 point and a new hill spawns somewhere else on the map.
Control those zones, Spartans!
At the start of the match, there are 3 neutral zones around the map. When a player captures a zone, it is locked and gives their team 1 point. When all zones are captured, there is an intermission before 3 new neutral zones spawn. The first team to score 11 points wins.
Objective: Survive.
Last Spartan Standing is based around the Lone Wolves theme of Season 2.
In this free-for-all experience, 12 players spawn on Big Team Battle maps with a confined loadout and 5 respawns. Once a player runs out of respawns and can no longer participate, they can either spectate or leave the match without penalty.
If a player gets a kill in the match, they can upgrade to a different weapon—something players of “Escalation Slayer” will no doubt be familiar with. The match ends when there is just one Spartan left standing.
Halo, the game that keeps on giving. What say you fell Halo fans, are you looking forward to Season 2, and the new Mini Battle Royale mode?
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