If you ask a question about a game being overrated you are only asking the people who didn't like a specific game. Games are about diversity. For myslef you could not pay me money to play Final Fantasy, but that does not mean its not a good game. It just means that I don't like it. Unfortunetly if someone on SW does not like a game it is immedietly OVERRATED! A concept that is flawed because you are the people saying it.
Same thing applies to all the Halo games. You are going to have people who don't enjoy the game and that's fine, but the people who claim it overrated say these things usually out of jealousy or hatred for the game. A good way to base a decision huh?
Think for a moment about games like Mario and Zelda. There are plenty of people who hate those games, but their popularity is so high that you have to see these game did something right, and that is why Halo is so popular. The game has a feel to it that is unlike any other shooter and it's just a lot of fun to play (if you like it)
No product in the history of mankind has survived as long as Halo has without being a good product. Bad games can sqeek in a good run for a few months but eventually it becomes clear that its a medicore game (Full Auto anyone). Halo has been holding steady ever since Halo CE (which is still being played..ALOT) and when Halo 3 launches the brand will have at least another 3 - 4 years left before gamers move on.
You can call it overhyped all you want (and I would agree) but calling Halo or any game for that matter overrated is dumb and really serves to show lack of thought on the subject.
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