eh. I'll probably wait until they're cheaper or free. Forge World playlist is coming also.
only map pack that can get my money first-day is one with a Rat's Nest or Guardian Remake. unless a Guardian remake pops up in the Forge World playlist. then just Rat's Nest.
Do you really like Rat's nest?
It's not that great, is it?
loved it.
I really liked Infection on it though.
I just liked how you had that track going around the entire map. and the pipes above that you could access(which made Infection really fun) and the bases in the middle. felt like it supported both types of combat very well, vehicle and CQC. Sand Trap was kind of like that, but no one goes into the structures(unless it's objective-based). so it was more lopsided for vehicles + the power weapons to combat them.
I liked just about every map in H3 though, except Isolation. Rat's Nest really stands out to me because of infection. so if it got a remake, I'd probably have to base my purchase on it's availability in the gametype.
I could ramble on this all day if I had to:P
what remake would you prefer?, if you don't mind that I ask.
something completely out of left-field...
Like Boarding Action, or something..
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