You know, we always talk about wanting sequels of games to change significantly. We beg that sequels not be a refined version of old gameplay, rather you know, different.
I think it's pretty safe to say that Bungie is taking a slight risk here that I say will obviously benefit them.
As a Halo fan, I am both immensely impressed yet shocked. The game is doing so many things that I just wouldn't expect. You can so see beard guy's Shadowrun design influence in this, but in a good way. And I understand you guys mights try to break it down. Running, jetpacks, rolling, etc. So what? However, if you're familiar with the series, or just have a good rational of game design, Reach is going to play quite differently.
Furthermore, while this is a bit premature seeing as how we can only see what they are, not play in them yet- the environments do look nicely designed.
Frankly, this is set to top Halo 1. And many said that about Halo 2, Halo 3, yes I understand, and frankly they sort of did in some regards-- though never wholely. However, as a Halo fan or 360 owners, I feel like this is the definitive xbox title.
And frankly, stop talking about graphics. They're good and look great in first person. That being said they're ideal halo graphics-- clean, good looking, and allowing for big open environments. Is it graphics king? I'd personally say no, but it looks very good and more than that-- we'll be playing it for years. Honestly, I think people overexaggerate this feature. And I truly feel weird going on about this seeing as how they do look good.'s not important.
Anyway, my main point: This is Halo: Reach. It is not simply a refinements of Halo 3. While Halo never made like Call of Duty with changes between iterations, they admittedly never did anything huge. Halo 3 is more of a highly refined version of Halo 1. Many differences, different play.In no way rehashes, but by contrast Halo Reach is quite a large change.
And you know what? They probably have the highest chance ofscrewing up Halo: Reach, much more than Halo2/3. Itappears they are succeeding.
My hype: Better than Halo 1 (in their respective days) + better than best of Halo 2/3 multiplayer.
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