Like I have said before Halo Reach has NO STAYING POWER and I mean NONE!!!!!!
Just after a few weeks it pains me to even play Halo. Halo is done FINISHED thing of the past great game several years ago but the game has just not progressed enough to current times. With no meaningful weapon upgrades or armor upgrades it is just WEAK SAUCE. It's the same ol same ol now just run around same boring maps and go for kills whoopee with no meaningful reward. We have been playing this same game for 8 years now BORING!!!:cry:
It's painful to wait for Black Ops atleast with that game you will have endless meaningful upgrades not no lame cheap cosmetic armor BS. Halo is just to old school for it's own good now you just have to have a far more open level of meaningful upgrades to make you want to keep making your weapons more powerful and adding attachments games without this now are just SO 10 years ago
AM CRY i'm ready to throw Halo Reach in the freaking gutter it's so boring after just a few weeks:cry:
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