"Earlier this week we gave our in-depth impressions on PS4 launch title, Knackfind our full hands-on preview here. Today, we continue our PS4 coverage with a hands-on preview of Guerrilla Games PS4 exclusive, Killzone: Shadow Fall.
Guerrilla Games introduced the Killzone franchise to gamers during the PS2-era. Hyped to be a Halo killer at the time, there was much anticipation surrounding the release of Killzone for PS2. In the end, Killzone was not the Halo killer people had hoped for, but the title was able to set the foundation for what would become one of Sonys key franchises.
Sony and Guerrilla found success on the PS3 with Killzone 2 and Killzone 3our full Killzone 3 review can be read here. These two titles showcased some of the most impressive visuals found on the PS3 and gave gamers two solid first-person shooter experiences.
Now as the industry transitions to a new generation of home consoles, Guerrilla Games looks to grow the Killzone brand and move the series into a new direction with the release of Killzone: Shadow Fall on PS4.
Killzone: Shadow Fall starts thirty years after the events of Killzone 3. The tiring wars between the ISA (Interstellar Strategic Alliance) and the Helghast are essentially over. The people of Helghan have relocated to the planet of Vekta home to the Vektans. Forced to make the best of the situation, the Vektans and Helghan societies co-exist and share the planet, but are divided by high walls. This solution does not sit well with the Helghan as hatred begins to take form. With tensions high and war only a spark away from ignition, the two sides sit in a stalemate and enter in to a cold war.
Just as the previous Killzone titles were, Guerrilla Games is using historical events as points of reference. Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 were influenced by World War II made obvious by the striking similarities Helghan held to that of Nazi Germany. Similarly, Killzone: Shadow Fall is based on the Iron Curtain. History fans will enjoy the parallels.
Our playable demo put us in the role of Lucas Kellen Shadow Marshal and covert operative for the ISA. This Killzone: Shadow Fall demo established that the game will have some open environments and provide freedom and choice as to how a mission is accomplished. As we explored a vast jungle setting, we could approach things in several different ways: deactivate a Helghast communications tower, attack Helghast-guarded security towers, or try a stealth approach and move towards the main objective cautiously.
Not every environment in Killzone: Shadow Fall will be as open as this particular jungle setting. Open areas will depend on the environment and venue of what is happening in the game. Regardless, it seems like Guerrilla Games is looking to add a little variety to the Killzone game formula by taking such an approach.
A cool addition to Shadow Fall is the OWL drone. This drone adds extra depth and free will when it comes to engaging enemies in combat. The OWL drone is capable of performing several types of actions that benefit the player. Making use of the DualShock 4s touch-pad, swiping up/down/left/right will activate a function holding down the L1 button will also let you select OWL abilities.
When in combat, the OWL has a couple of beneficial purposes for you to consider. To begin with, the OWL drone can be used to stun enemies which will leave them shocked for a few moments. Additionally, for defensive measures, there is shield mode. In shield mode, the OWL places an energy shield ahead of you and repels incoming fire. If you find yourself in a messy situation and need a quick exit, you can use the OWL to discharge a zip-line though the target needs to be positioned below you. The OWL can also be used for hacking.
Kellen also has his own abilities to make use of during and outside of battle. By holding up on the D-pad you will activate pulse radar that highlights any nearby enemies that are patrolling behind a wall, tree, or other type of barrier. Though useful, using the radar for too long will allow enemies to hone in on your position. One other ability available to Kellen is Adrenaline Mode. By using an extra med-pack, the world will slow down for a brief period of time giving you a temporary advantage when fighting a small group of enemies.
Killzone: Shadow Falls new approach is exciting as the more open world delivers greater freedom and gameplay possibilities. There is still much to learn and see on the Guerrilla Games new title, but it is looking to be a strong PS4 launch title."
This game sounds to be quite an improvement over Killzone 3, what do you think?
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