[QUOTE="shinrabanshou"]Games that support either peripheral as an alternative control scheme are games that support either peripheral as an alternative control scheme, mayhaps?
Are people really this pedantic in the crappy motion controller sub-System War.
Of course they will be, and rightly so given the way SW works.
Are there or are there not several 6 axis titles out right now wherein a couple of times a game you shake the controller to move a valve etc?
Are or are these not clearly examples of gimmicks using the 6 axis that are barely worth noting?
Should or should not these titles beconsidered to be motion controlled games and listed as such?
Will not exactly the same thing happen with hybrid games for both Move and Kinect?
Do we not argue the minutae of pixels, framerate, exclusives, etc, ad nauseum now?
Why should this be any different?
so you are telling me that games are going to come out in the future that you play with the regular ps3 controller and then have your move controller on the side to do gimmicky gestures?
Until they actually come out I don't know. But the other option is that they can be played with either, only the Move version ends up being clearly inferior from an experience point of view. Imagine Ninja Gaiden or similar. Yes it could be made for Move, but do you see yourself swinging your arms around for hours at a time? And can you imagine the efforts to pull that off in motion controls vs combo moves with buttons on a controller?
One of the major differences between the so called shovelware for Wii/Kinect/Move and the so called hardcore games is the time and sequencing of how they are played. The shovelware you play in 5, 10, or maybe 15 min segments, often competing against others, or taking turns in playing. This is radically different than holding a controller for at hour, 2 hours, 3 hours etc. KZ3 with your Move gun is going to be interesting for how long?
I don't know how we are going to account for this in SW, but I think just listing each and every game that has anything remotely related to Kinect/Move is going to be misleading and problematic.
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