seems like theres this Epic lack of originality in games anymore on all consoles. with the exception of castlevania lords of shadow and bayonetta absolutely nothing has impressed me this gen like GTA4 and its chapters did.
Castlevania was like Van Helsing meets Lord of the Rings and i couldnt put my controler down. Bayonetta was frash and fun to play.
God of war 3 on the other hand left alot to be desired after the first 3 chapters. in fact there are many who say if you've played the God of War 3 demo, you've played the Best part of the game so why bother with the full retail copy?
i can concur this to be accurate.
Gran Turismo 5 was a good racing game but honestly, its YEARS behing Project Gotham Racing 4. a title that came out in 2007!
GT5 was nearly 7 years in development and yes, it has the perfect car models, the perfect lighting, but PGR 4 nailed the weather effects the way the water beaded off of the cars and windshields and once again this was a game from 2007.
what did Polyphony digital do with all the time spent on this game?
on to Fable 3, Jeesh, where do i even begin?
Fable 3 is perhaps the Biggest dissapointment of ALL these games, if you played Fable 1 on Xbox and experienced the richest most fullfilling RPG of that era other than Star Wars KOTOR, then you were extremely dissapointed with Fable 3's short story, nonsensical campaign and almost non existant replay value.
each suceeding fable chapter hasnt lived up to that first title on the Original xbox and we Xbox fans Know it!
what a sham Peter Molenoux! Fool me twice and shame on me!
Also gaming this gen has become a graveyard of shooters either trying to catch up to gears of war, or just going thru the motions all together.
god of war 3 , Killzone 2, GTA 5, Fable 2 and 3 all were hyped to heck and in my opinion failed to capture that magic that games like Fable 1 and Star Wars KOTOR had last generation ON INFERIOR HARDWARE no less! Sony has about 23 Million sequels droping this year and none of them intrigue me at all.
only Uncharted 3 and last guardian are even remotely interesting. Gears of war 3 is going to be huge but thats because of the impact that franchise made this generation. not because of anything NEW its doing. Forza 4 has to deliver or just go Away. outscoring The GT series was one thing, but turn 10 need to step it up. the whole gaming landscape has become this Graphics pissing contest and no one is trying to inovate.
look at the latest fight night, the demo is clearly inferior to Fight Night round 4 in every way imaginable, look at crysis on 360 and PS3? all that hype and for what?
gaming sucks now. hopefully MS and Sony can get it together before its too late.
just sayin
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