Have you ever bought a system (or ended up keeping it) because of one game? Sure, there might be other games on the system that you like, or which catch your interest, but it's basically down to that one game that you love so much that you think that it justifies the entire system's existence for you, that that one game is enough to keep the system?
I know that with systems being so expensive these days, such an occurrence may be increasingly more infrequent, but I do have to say that this happened with me with the PlayStation Vita. I bought it, and was largely unimpressed by its lineup (just my opinion! The games are still great, I just couldn't get into them as much), and I was almost about to sell it, less than two weeks after I bought it.
But then I got Persona 4 Golden.
Holy shit, never before has one game felt so right on a system. It feels like the Vita was made for this game, and that this game was made for the Vita. I was completely enthralled by Persona 4 Golden, which I felt is where a good, but admittedly overrated JRPG finally came into its own.
Persona 4 Golden is amazing, and it justifies the Vita's entire existence for me.
What about you? Has this ever happened?
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