I'm playing through Castlevania Symphony of the night on my Vita. I played it back in the ps1 days, replayed it on 360 and am now sinking into another run... Currently 150% complete.
Not sure what it was about this playthrough, but this games near perfection cannot be overstated in the face of all that has come before and since. Each of its gameplay ideas hit the mark, it's secrets, it's lite inventory management, the bosses... The very concept of the inverted castle... The art and graphics even hold up with surprising appeal. . The legions of games it spawned, that pay SotN it's due homage....
Lastly, and maybe more importantly, like a link to the past, Final Fantasy 4... Actraiser.... And a few other games I say this about. The game plays as good or better today than it did when it launched.
Dare I say that no 2d action platformer before or since has surpassed (even in 2016) the masterpiece of the genre, nearly 2 decades old...
Is there even a single game system wars can put up that rivals the perfection that is Symphony of the Night?
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