1. The lack of ads in the PS4 UI already makes it better than the xbone UI. The minimalistic and straightforward look makes it even more appealing too #teamPS4UI...
To boot the PS4 UI is much faster and more responsive, and thats all that matters. Its just a UI at the end of the day. LOL at how thats all the xbone has going for it- the UI. Shows how pathetic the xbone is.
2. Killzone is all I need for launch!
Killzone alone >>>>> the whole xbone launch line up.
Plus there is Knack!
At least Knack is different and a breath of fresh air.
It sure beats another zombie game, Dead Rising 3, or a generic linear scripted QTE hack and slasher in Ryse
Also, there are still all those PS4 indie games!
I will have more then enough games to play on my PS4!
Its nothing but the couple miserable xbots left on the sinking xbone ship who keep trying to make any little thing out there the bad PS4 news they have been hoping for since the xbone has been complete shit, with Microsoft f*ck up after Microsoft f*ck up and all etc
PS4 STILL WINNING...and dominating in pre-orders!
(Also crazy how no one was really hyping up Drive Club, but now that it could possibly be delayed, suddenly its a big deal...and the PS4 will just not be able to have a good launch without it)
The trolling is so transparent. Pathetic!
If rumors are to be believed about the delay, then at least Evolution will now have the time to make Drive Club as great as possible.
PS4 gamers then get a great racing game early next year for the PS4 to go alongside Infamous, and Infamous is the most legit next gen game announced so far
Things are looking good for the PS4, and to boot, Sony still has a lot more games to announce for it. It will get even better!
People who buy consoles for launch titles are extremely short sighted and ignorant.
Look at the long term picture. Sony has the much better exclusive library and exclusive developers. Sony is much more willing to take risks. Sony puts out a lot more games and at much more variety to boot. Take all that into account. Playstation exclusives will continue to dominate in every way like they did through out all of this gen
I mean the 360 supposedly had a strong launch, and LOOK at it now, in comparison to the PS3 in exclusives LOL. The 360 has had an utter pathetic and laughable exclusive library since 2009 (just the same old boring repetitive lackluster Gears/Halo/Forza sequels released year in and year out) That should tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about buying based on launch line ups.
Buy based on hardware, features, PROVEN HISTORY....By every precedent the PS4 is magnitudes better then the xbone.
PS4 has better hardware for less money, better GAMING features, and Sony has proven to be better supporters of their consoles.
Its PS4 all the way in every respect!
I dont see how any one could call themselfes a gamer and yet opt for the weaker more expensive xbone instead. I wont even get into all the MANY things wrong with the xbone (kinect spycam, apps behind pay walls just to start) The fact is PS4 does everything better for less and IS MORE FOCUSED ON GAMES and on being a GAMING CONSOLE.
Thank you for the PS4 Sony:) Day ONE!
Fu*k the xbone for life though no matter what!
^ how do you embed gifs? Somebody please embed!
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