i can see it now.
*in 2011*
"SONY today announced their next generation console, the pee-ess-for. (spelt phonically for children to read it with ease.) it will be aimed at the 4-10 year olds and the 70-90 year olds. it will cost £20 for the premium package (includes a CD player). people expect sony to lose this gen because they are "forcing the CD player on 4-10 year olds that arent ready for it yet. it will have graphics as good as the glory ps2 days. there will be a special input device that sony are saying is so revolutionary that they havnt even decided what it is yet."
i hope to god we wont see this :(
*in 2010*
"microsoft announced the name of their new console, the ABC BOX, with letters around the shell of the console which you can change and even use common fridge magnet letters on. this console will undoubtably win this generation because it costs half of what the pee-ess-for does, at a mere £10, and doesnt force the new CD player on the consumers, but they can buy an addon, with microsoft claiming they may intoduce a DVD player add on in the future. and it also is expected to win because the controller is a simple red block that a child could hold in their hands and has a D-PAD and A and B buttons on it.
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