@Xplode_games: "Every single console multiplat in existence will now run better on the Xbox One X than on any other console, patch or not."
According to another SW thread Digital Foundry claims that Wolfenstein II runs @1440p on the Pro, 1080 on standard PS4 and 810p on XBone. What's worse, on a recent article on GS there are three groups of X enhanced games, "available now" , "coming soon" and "in development" and Wolfenstein II (which I bought in a green case specifically to showcase on my X) is in the last group.
Now, according to you, that's good for me because 810p and lower FPS is the superior version somehow? I hope I don't regret not having bought it in a blue case but "in development" doesn't sound promising for Nov 7 and my still in the box CE of Wolfie II is glaring at me from my shelf and mocking me for making the wrong choice.
Lucky for me I have all three systems so Mario Odyssey can pick up some slack but if this trend continues my X will possibly mirror the legacy of my LaunchBone in only getting exclusives and otherwise gathering dust. Preparing for the X I have now acquired three multiplats in green cases. South Park tFBW, COD WW2 and Wolfenstein II. Seems at least one of those was a poor choice, so going forward I will be making more informed multiplat purchases- lesson learned I guess cuz personally I'll take checkerboard 4K over 810p every time.
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