I've had RROD 3 times, but each and every time MS have been faultless. I called them on a freephone number, had impeccable customer service and a courier sent to my door to pick up my console and return with a repair or replacement within 7 days each time.
Hardly the end of the world.
Although I've had no problems with my own PS3 at all, my work colleague had a real headache with them.... he got the PS3 freezing problem on his 60gb model, and it was 14 months old. Sony charged him £120 for a replacement as they argued it was outside the 12 month warranty, and like a fool he paid. £120!? that's insane. I gave him advice on how to take his case to a small claims court andhe threatened Sony with legal action under the 1979 sale of goods act (relevant to the UK only). The act states that the item you purchase should work for a reasonable period of time following it's purchase value... so, a pen costing 50p would be OK if it broke after say, a month, but £350 on a PS3 and it only lasting 14 months? That's a different story. It's without question that you should expect your £300+ PS3 to last way over 14 months through normal use... After sending Sony a threat to take them to a small claims court, they caved and gave him his £120 back.
And yet, I've read lots of people on here that blindly pay that charge which Sony illegally charge an awful lot in the UK. It's only because people don't know their rights they think they have to pay.... I'm sure this law is different for other countries though, sadly... the UK laws on consumer protection are really very good if you know them well.
I don't think MS wear halo's - far from it - but I do believe from what I have personally seen that MS care more about their consumers following the silly RROD problem they created. Sony seem to have a habit of being real hard-a$$es when it comes to getting your PS3 fixed from the examples I've seen and heard of.
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