Someone over at ps3forums said that haze was being sold in iceland early-he also posted proof and gave some early impression
overall he said that it is the SAME graphic and etc as the DEMO but still it is good and fun....
Haze topic
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AAA 9.5 at GStherealmcc0ylol i just downloaded that demo this morning and that game sux ass.its just like all the other fps games out their but this one has nothing different that makes it stand out or better than other games like halo or cod4.
I think it's a safe bet to say this game is going to be average and sell miserably.lantus
It's quite high on the preorder charts in alot of websites I've been to, and I've seen several advertisements. Also, Turok got 1 million :P
Anyway, it's had two (iffy) reviews so far:
34/40 Famitsu
9/10 PSM Ita
I'm still leaning towards the 7.5->8.0 area imo.
[QUOTE="lantus"]I think it's a safe bet to say this game is going to be average and sell miserably.thrones
It's quite high on the preorder charts in alot of websites I've been to, and I've seen several advertisements. Also, Turok got 1 million :P
Anyway, it's had two (iffy) reviews so far:
34/40 Famitsu
9/10 PSM Ita
I'm still leaning towards the 7.5->8.0 area imo.
Play will probably give it a 10/10, then cows will say it's the best thing ever made. Famitsu and PSM = Fail!
[QUOTE="AsianG0d"]Lots of people that played the demo say it's lameporky_ownsu
Nice job stealing someone else's sig...[QUOTE="porky_ownsu"][QUOTE="AsianG0d"]Lots of people that played the demo say it's lamekirk4ever
Korn said it best : "Haze is the ****" :P
Korn is still around?[QUOTE="thrones"][QUOTE="lantus"]I think it's a safe bet to say this game is going to be average and sell miserably.BioShockOwnz
It's quite high on the preorder charts in alot of websites I've been to, and I've seen several advertisements. Also, Turok got 1 million :P
Anyway, it's had two (iffy) reviews so far:
34/40 Famitsu
9/10 PSM Ita
I'm still leaning towards the 7.5->8.0 area imo.
Play will probably give it a 10/10, then cows will say it's the best thing ever made. Famitsu and PSM = Fail!
I doubt anyone would say it's the best ever.. I hope not.
I'm still hoping to be surprised by the full game. Atleast I'll have fun playing coop with my friend :)
I'll pass on that game. I didn't like the demo and i'm bored with all the FPSs now.Tykain
I've been playing with FPSs since Doom, and I'm not bored yet. There's not actually that many decent ones around.
Halo 3?
Christ, I go through shooters in a month or so before moving onto the next thing.
You sure? Seriously? Even timeshift managed better, and this felt alot better than timeshift :|
Not even cows are hyping this, and cows hyped Lair
[QUOTE="thrones"]You sure? Seriously? Even timeshift managed better, and this felt alot better than timeshift :|
Not even cows are hyping this, and cows hyped Lair
Cows aren't hyping Disgaea 3 either, those idiots. That's going to be one of the best games this year! :O
Cows aren't hyping Disgaea 3 either, those idiots. That's going to be one of the best games this year! :O
They're not hyping Valkyria Chronicles or Yakuza 3 either, then they complain when the Ps3 doesn't get third party support
AAA 9.5 at GStherealmcc0y
I know you are a diehard cow, but hyping this game 9.5 is wishful thinking. I am diehard 360 and Wii fan, but I don't hype every big game coming out to be AAA even if I want them badly. Wanting a game badly, and looking at it objectively are 2 different things.
i dont understand why you guys are trashing this game..
i did play the demo and the gameplay was great but the acting dialogues were poor tbh. i'm definitely getting this game jsut to fill in the gaps til June 12 hits regardless of what reviewers give it..
from that person who bought the game, it seems he's enjoying it telling from he hasn't been posting in that forum in a while which proves that he's either tired of shutting people up and/or enjoying the game..
SikTh - "There is a lot more to the game then the demo. Vehicles are fun to ride, and you can catch on fire. It is fun shaking off the flame using the sixaxis. "
Everyone Quit the hate and jsut Play the Damn game. black_awpN1
Why waste the money or time to rent it when the demo is free and offers a pretty good glimpse?
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]Everyone Quit the hate and jsut Play the Damn game. TheSystemLord1
Why waste the money or time to rent it when the demo is free and offers a pretty good glimpse?
A better wording would be try the damn Demo.
Someone over at ps3forums said that haze was being sold in iceland early-he also posted proof and gave some early impression
overall he said that it is the SAME graphic and etc as the DEMO but still it is good and fun....
Haze topic
So, worst visuals this gen confirmed i guess
[QUOTE="thrones"][QUOTE="lantus"]I think it's a safe bet to say this game is going to be average and sell miserably.BioShockOwnz
It's quite high on the preorder charts in alot of websites I've been to, and I've seen several advertisements. Also, Turok got 1 million :P
Anyway, it's had two (iffy) reviews so far:
34/40 Famitsu
9/10 PSM Ita
I'm still leaning towards the 7.5->8.0 area imo.
Play will probably give it a 10/10, then cows will say it's the best thing ever made. Famitsu and PSM = Fail!
Yeah, Play did that with mediocre 360 games I bought, I here you. they like everything too much.
[QUOTE="therealmcc0y"]AAA 9.5 at GSAvIdGaMeR444
I know you are a diehard cow, but hyping this game 9.5 is wishful thinking. I am diehard 360 and Wii fan, but I don't hype every big game coming out to be AAA even if I want them badly. Wanting a game badly, and looking at it objectively are 2 different things.
Im pretty sure hes a fakeboy.
[QUOTE="thrones"]Cows aren't hyping Disgaea 3 either, those idiots. That's going to be one of the best games this year! :O
They're not hyping Valkyria Chronicles or Yakuza 3 either, then they complain when the Ps3 doesn't get third party support
when do cows ever complain about not getting 3rd party support
when do cows ever complain about not getting 3rd party support
whenever they lose one of their "exclusives" to the 360, DS or Wii
[QUOTE="kirk4ever"]Someone over at ps3forums said that haze was being sold in iceland early-he also posted proof and gave some early impression
overall he said that it is the SAME graphic and etc as the DEMO but still it is good and fun....
Haze topic
So, worst visuals this gen confirmed i guess
Really? Someone's never played any game at X360 launch or hell....Hour of Victory. From the website:
Plus: Bra tempo, varierade miljöer, någorlunda djup story, skön spelkontroll Good tempo, varied environments, some deep story, beautiful game Minus: Gäspig grafik, trög och trist inledning, enformiga fiender, svag artificiell intelligens Gäspig graphics, sluggish and boring introduction, repetitive enemies, weak artificial intelligence
It has mediocre graphics, not worse visuals. Stop attacking things stupidly when there appears to be plenty of good things to attack.
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