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[QUOTE="navyguy21"]I mean i like HD revisions, but i just want them to be memorable games. Games like GTA, Morrowind, Conker, bring the Gothic games to consoles in HD, stuff like that.SlashlessConker already had his revision, and it was awful imo. I mean a proper HD revision :P The one for Xbox was a rush port and the Multiplayer was unbalanced. Conker over XBL would be awesome today, especially if they balanced it and added new maps and weapons.
[QUOTE="Slashless"][QUOTE="navyguy21"]I mean i like HD revisions, but i just want them to be memorable games. Games like GTA, Morrowind, Conker, bring the Gothic games to consoles in HD, stuff like that.navyguy21Conker already had his revision, and it was awful imo. I mean a proper HD revision :P The one for Xbox was a rush port and the Multiplayer was unbalanced. Conker over XBL would be awesome today, especially if they balanced it and added new maps and weapons. i'd rather they keep the original multiplayer, not the trash that was the Xbox version. Uga Buga trying to steal dino-eggs over Live today would be cool :P
uh no. these HD collections are great. Shadow of colossus is one of the greatest games ever made and it will age even better now that it is cleaned up and has a more smooth framerate (not to mention the breathtaking 3d). same thing with the sly collection and all the GOW collections.
also, 5$? really? you do realize that alot of money is spent on fixing up these games. they cost 40$ for a reason
i am perfectly satisfied with paying 40$ for these bundles, and I hope to see more, preferably a "ratchet and clank" one. if they do release that, I swear that would be my personal GOTY (though it wouldnt be my "official" one, because thats probably a federal crime or something)
I don't know but they need to do a Kingdom Hearts HD remix with KH1, KH RE:COM, KH2. And perferably the final mixes.
Ico, Metal Gear, Halo, etc. these collections are terrible. Another terrible idea by the video game industry. These games should be a 5 dollar download or less. Or how about leave in backwards compatibility so you don't have to buy this crap again? I don't care that they are supposedly in HD. They are old games. todd2r
How is this terrible? and how do you know everyone is buying a particular title again? I never did play or own "Ico" so that will be my first time playing it and owning it (sigh)
people are dumb. apparently the devils who came up with this garbage knew that people would lick up HD remakes of games they already own. gamers today are patheticprinceofshapeir
Yet another person who thinks everybody owns every game the HD collections offer. I'll be buying these HD collections. Why? because I don't own any of them and even if somebody does already own them who are you to judge how they spend their money? seriously.
Err... who's forcing you to "buy this crap again."
If you have PS2 games or XBOX games, presumably you have a PS2 or an XBOX.
Many people haven't had the chance to play some of these games.
people are dumb. apparently the devils who came up with this garbage knew that people would lick up HD remakes of games they already own. gamers today are patheticprinceofshapeirMaybe because the majority of them add something to the games, or changes them.
Maybe because the majority of them add something to the games, or changes them. name one thing the ico/SOC collection adds other than 1080p, improved frames, and trophies i can get two of those things by just emulating the ps2 disc on my PC[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]people are dumb. apparently the devils who came up with this garbage knew that people would lick up HD remakes of games they already own. gamers today are patheticmitu123
[QUOTE="mitu123"]Maybe because the majority of them add something to the games, or changes them. name one thing the ico/SOC collection adds other than 1080p, improved frames, and trophies You don't get 3D and 7.1 channel sound.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]people are dumb. apparently the devils who came up with this garbage knew that people would lick up HD remakes of games they already own. gamers today are patheticprinceofshapeir
uh no. these HD collections are great. Shadow of colossus is one of the greatest games ever made and it will age even better now that it is cleaned up and has a more smooth framerate (not to mention the breathtaking 3d). same thing with the sly collection and all the GOW collections.
also, 5$? really? you do realize that alot of money is spent on fixing up these games. they cost 40$ for a reason
i am perfectly satisfied with paying 40$ for these bundles, and I hope to see more, preferably a "ratchet and clank" one. if they do release that, I swear that would be my personal GOTY (though it wouldnt be my "official" one, because thats probably a federal crime or something)
lol, all they did is up the resolution and tweak the bloom and motion blur
this is something PC gamers do all the time
HD remakes are a scam
Halo AE, thats a remake, everything else is just something PC can do, for free
name one thing the ico/SOC collection adds other than 1080p, improved frames, and trophies You don't get 3D and 7.1 channel sound.[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"][QUOTE="mitu123"] Maybe because the majority of them add something to the games, or changes them.
And Sly Collection has Move support.
As for the price - all these collections are 2-3 games, meaning a modest $20 per game, but if you find that is too much wait for a while and get them even cheaper ...
Collections like this have been done for years. How can you forget Super Mario All-Stars? It gives a lot of people a chance to play games they may have missed, with better visuals, trophies/achievments, etc/
How does it hurt the gaming industry, if it's been done before?
Ico, Metal Gear, Halo, etc. these collections are terrible. Another terrible idea by the video game industry. These games should be a 5 dollar download or less. Or how about leave in backwards compatibility so you don't have to buy this crap again? I don't care that they are supposedly in HD. They are old games. todd2r
Agreed, these games should be remade with new engines, like Halo CE Aniversary and not just increase the resolution in the settings.ini file and sell it as new
I missed a lot of thoses games and I don't have my PS2 anymore.Why not get the HD ones? They look better on my 40" and they aren't expensive.
i can see that most people dont agree with me and thats fine, we are just having a discussion. i understand if you have never played the games before, you might like HD collections but heres my beef. 1. they are too expensive. 2. what if next gen consoles dont have BC? are they going to remake these games again? and again? and again? and so will never end. instead of these collections, they should be offered individually as a cheap download.
Ico, Metal Gear, Halo, etc. these collections are terrible. Another terrible idea by the video game industry. These games should be a 5 dollar download or less. Or how about leave in backwards compatibility so you don't have to buy this crap again? I don't care that they are supposedly in HD. They are old games. todd2r
I'm inclined to agree with you. As a lifelong PS brand gamer, I never did buy God of War 1 or 2 on PS2. I only rented them at the time and beat them. I bought Ico for PS3 but didn't buy SoC...again, beating it on a rental and planned to buy it when cheap but never got around to it.
Despite my love for these games, I am finding it very difficult to buy the HD collections. Even the God of War HD collection which is super cheap right now. Why? Mainly because these are still PS2 games with PS2 graphics. As much as I have seen and heard about the HD versions, they really don't look "better" in my opinion. And while I don't care much about graphics, as someone who doesn't have a lot of time or money to spend on gaming, why would I buy an HD PS2 game when I could spend the same money on Batman: Arkham Asylum or even GoW 3?
I really want the Ico/SoC collection because I love those games and my PS2 doesn't work much anymore (it was a launch model). But I still have Ico sitting in a box in my house. Why should I rebut an already amazing game? Just so Sony doesn't have to patch backwards compatibility into PS3s? I'm finding it a tough sell.
uh no. these HD collections are great. Shadow of colossus is one of the greatest games ever made and it will age even better now that it is cleaned up and has a more smooth framerate (not to mention the breathtaking 3d). same thing with the sly collection and all the GOW collections.
also, 5$? really? you do realize that alot of money is spent on fixing up these games. they cost 40$ for a reason
i am perfectly satisfied with paying 40$ for these bundles, and I hope to see more, preferably a "ratchet and clank" one. if they do release that, I swear that would be my personal GOTY (though it wouldnt be my "official" one, because thats probably a federal crime or something)
as much as I love HD collections (and I do)
most of them had very little effort put into them
I skipped GoW 1 and 2 on PS2. Got the collection, it was great. I Played some of SotC at a friends, but never got it, and by the time I started looking for it, Ico was almost impossible to find. I'll be picking up the Ico collection. I have MGS 1-4... but I don't have a PSP, so I might pick up the MGS collection just for PW. If you already have these games... don't buy them. Pretty simple stuff.
And it's not like its a new idea. I picked up FF Origins (1 and 2 from the NES/Famicom), Chronicles (FF2 and Chrono Trigger from the SNES) and Anthology (FF5 and 6 from SNES/Super Famicom) on PS1 way back in the day. Even though I had several of those games on their original systems (not all of them were originally localized), they had some slight graphical improvements and a few extra features, and I liked having the whole collection on one system, so they were worth a re-purchase for me.
In an industry where people pay for P2P online play a thing like this doesn't seem so farfetched.i can see that most people dont agree with me and thats fine, we are just having a discussion. i understand if you have never played the games before, you might like HD collections but heres my beef. 1. they are too expensive. 2. what if next gen consoles dont have BC? are they going to remake these games again? and again? and again? and so will never end. instead of these collections, they should be offered individually as a cheap download.
This is no different than music labels re releasing a CD with extra content or greatest hits CDs, or Movie companies re releasing their movies in enhanced graphics or sound and bonus content, or releasing a Trilogy pack, etc.i can see that most people dont agree with me and thats fine, we are just having a discussion. i understand if you have never played the games before, you might like HD collections but heres my beef. 1. they are too expensive. 2. what if next gen consoles dont have BC? are they going to remake these games again? and again? and again? and so will never end. instead of these collections, they should be offered individually as a cheap download.
Everyone does this. If you don't like it speak with your money and don't buy it. Simple as that.
The gaming industry is just slow compared to other entertainment industries in adapting this extra income strategy.
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