Picked it up last night myself, and all I have to say is that I could not put it down. This game is truly worth owning a PS3 for, and is the best game I have played for the PS3. It is also one of the best games that I have played this gen, if not the best. As it is like partaking in an epic film it is so immersive, addictive and enjoyable.
The animations are the best I have ever seen, the gameplay simply rocks, with plenty of room for creativity to create your own style between the 3 fighting stances. The combos and finishing moves that can be pulled off are straight out of a top production martial arts flick. The graphics, draw distance and artwork in general is truly a sight to behold.
Heavenly Sword also has the best usage of the Sixaxis yet with the after touching ability to guide arrows shot from Kai's crossbow, as well as the ability to guide objects thrown. Truly a masterful touch to the game. The environments are destructible. You can pick up objects, weapons, and hell, even the bodies of fallen foes to throw at enemies....simply awesome.
Other than Oblivion, and maybe Bioshock, I cannot think of another game that I have played this gen that truly met it's hype for me.....and then some. I actually like this game more than Bioshock personally, as I dig the action/adventure genre more than FPS. But, in any event, the game is nothing short of a masterpiece....despite it's length. As ALOT went into making this game, and it clearly shows that this game is a work of art....period.
To all of those who have not even played the game, but are bashing it by throwing reviews around....LMAO. Speak from first hand experience, or do not speak at all. Regardless of what the reviews say, I am betting that to the vast majority gamers out there who play this game, it will be every bit of an AAA game experience, and will find that it is a sign of great things to come for the PS3.
Well done Ninja Theory.;)
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