Although I didn't purchase a PS3 for this game, Heavenly Sword was just the icing for my new console. I was super stoked to play the new demo, and my impressions are...not so good.
The game has the best lip syncing...probably ever. The voice acting is excellent, too. Although the game looks nice, it's hardly as nice as I wanted it to look. The comabt is (sadly enough) where the game falls flat. The blocking system while unique, really isn't as intuitive as a regular ol' block button. The stances are pretty neat, but again, nothing to write home about. Little things like thrusting the controller up in the air was just weird, too. Luckily you are about to change that. The Ai is overall fairly stupid, waiting for their turn to get sliced up. Teh camera was also very frustraiting. The sheer volume of enemies on screen can blot out the view of you character, and you can't slide a camera around to change this.
Heavenly Sword has the overtone of needed game polish. Even in the short seven minute demo I experienced multiple glitches and techical oddities. Bodies bouncing aboud, frame-rate and physics problems. Also, the animations and combos just don't flow as nicely as I would have liked.
It's all opinion, but I was really hoping for my next Ninja Gaiden Sigma! :(
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