You are completly of base about your judment. I am sorry to say, but you appear to know very little of how HEAVY RAIN will be.
The game will feature MULTIPLE storys and paths to follow. The gameplay of the game consists basically exploring the story possibilities.
The game will have 4 characters, if you die with one of them, you will continue playing and discorering the story with the other characters, with the consequences of your death being part of the new story. So in a sense they are trying to make a dinamic story... much like those old boooks that you had options to choose that lead to diferents page of the book.
The gameplay of the game isn't the QTE you see on the videos, that is just to given the game feel every game needs, in reality the gameplay will be the story itself. Is trying ro be really revolutionary as far as adventure/story driven games go.
I myself know will be one of the few games I want to play at least more than 5 times... since I undoubtly will want to complete the game with losts of dead and alive characters combination and story outcomes.
If they meet their ambitious the game will be trully revolutionary... altough I think there is a big chance they wont fully meet my expectation because of how difficult it is to create this type of dinamic storyline I expected. If they fail to create a lot of deph with the storyline It could surelly be a a failure.
But at least they trying... and at least until now the game is very visually impresseve and appears to have a very mature and misterious story.
Of topic:
my top anticipated game:
Last guardian
Heavy rain
Diablo 3
God of war 3
Gran Turismo 5
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