Without question here we go again Xbox not getting the props it deserves and the vast majority of game reviewers being biased Sony PS cows themselves they always dock Xbox Games a point or two in their reviews.
We all know these are the types of games that thrive on PlayStation, and they always get top scores and praised by reviewers but here we go again another great Xbox game being unfairly and biased docked by many biased Sony fan reviewers and Sony fanboys meta score reviewers.
Hellblade II is easily the current console graphics king and easily the best audio sound ever in a console game. The story is incredible, and the gameplay is incredible for the type of game it strives to be. It should easily be a score of a 9 by all but nope it's getting docked and praised less because it is not an exclusive on PlayStation.
It's a LOCK if Hellblade II released on PlayStation as a Sony exclusive it would be getting praised by the cows and reviewers to kingdom come.
Hellbalde II is an experience and an achievement on all levels for this type of cinematic experience, it's a Masterpiece but would only get that recognition from game sites and reviewers if it was a PlayStation launch exclusive.
If you have a great gaming setup with a nice big 4K TV with VRR and a great set of Dolby Atmos headphones, then you're in for a real treat and an incredible cinematic gaming experience.
Hellblade II deserves a score of 9+ easily
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