[QUOTE="mestizoman"] 1. they always have the best graphics ( That's not true. I've seen some horrid looking games on the PC. )
there are also horid looking games on consoles, oblivion pc owns oblivoion console
2. they always have the biggest variety of games ( If you include shareware and free flash games, yeah. )
you can deny it all you want but its true
3. more innovative games come out for the pc each month ( No. What innovative game came out in Apr & May?)
what innovate x360 game has there been?
4. mods give infinite value ( It depends on the game. Games like NWN, Half Life, etc.. I would agree with.)
5. games have better performance (Depends on the PC. EQ2 played like crap on my PC and 1000's other gamer's PC's)
a pc with same specs as console will run just as good and more power = faster performance
6. games are the most customizable ( Some games, but not all. )
all games are, its a fact
7. the mouse is the best for shooters and rts ( That's just a choice by the gamer. There are gamers who like a game controller for FPS better)
you can deny it all you want but k/m owns gamepad, why did shaddow and halo 2 have to remove auto aim for k/m while gampad has it?
8. online is generally free, except for most mmos ( If you pay an ISP for broadband, then online isn't FREE. )
add $50 on top of broadband for x360
9. patches fix bugs and problems ( Most console games don't have these bugs, so there are no need for patches. :P )
I have had more prolems with console games than pc games. ghost recon jungle storm when you killed enimites the bodys stayed 10 meters up in the air just to name on of the 1000s of bugs in it
10. optimizing performance for games is loads of fun, dont knock it till u try it! ( If you know what you are doing. If you don't you could easily fry your CPU chip and ruin your motherboard. Console games are already optimized for performance.)
not all console games run that well, and its very hard to fry a cpu there days
11. u have the option of using thousands of worthy peripherals, such as joysticks and gamepads ( Don't think there are 1000's. Maybe a couple 100, but consoles also have a variety of controllers and peripherals. No real advantage there. )
how do you play fps with k/m on x360? pc you can play fps with k/m or gamepad
12. uve bought ur system, and u dont have to take crap from any specific company (Youmean you built your system? You still have to take crap from the companies who created all the parts for your PC. )
you can fix overheating unlike x360, you don't have to pay sony lots of$$$$ when your dvd drive breaks, you get 3 years standard warrenty instead of 1 year and play lots more $$$$$ for 2 more years
there are many more reasons except it is pointless to name them all (This thread was pointless. Not sure why I even wasted my time responding. )
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