Both Of them are amazing game designers.
Sakaguchi made rpgs mainsream with which some call final fantasy 7 the best of the series and the best game of all time.FF7 was also the first 3d rpg on the Playstation. Sakaguchi made The best rpg chronotrigger and he also made Final Fantasy up to 8 i beileve and he started a new series called Kingdom Hearts, which also gave off critical success. Sakaguchi also made some other rpgs xenogears and chronocross and final fantasy tatics. Sakaguchi has done so much for the jrpg genre, he made square and now has formed his own company mistwalker with highly anticipated titles Blue Dragon which was a mild success in japan, and he also is making lost odyssey, and cry on for the 360. I think Sakaguchi should continue to make great rpgs and continue to support the 360.
Miyamot, hmm were do i start well he also created two of of games greatest creations. Mario and of course Zelda.Mario 64 is what platforming is and should be it had awesome gameplay and music , the game mechanics were flawless. He then made Zelda and the Ocarina of time which some call the greatest game of alltime. Zelda and Mario continued to be huge games creating sequals on handhelds and consoles.
Both creators were not only great in thier prime, they still are some of the best developers today . Both creating new franchises and making people happy i have the utmost repspect for both.Both creators have AAAA and many AAA's under there belt thats a sign of greatness.
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