@sts106mat said:
@Mr-Kutaragi said:
@sts106mat said:
@Mr-Kutaragi said:
Xbone controller is shit. Lem used to say xbox controller as best, now they say there is no best controller. They say this because they know DS4 is superior but cannot admit.
Oh look its Mr Closet racist
DS4 is not superior it is improvement over DS3, triggers and sticks are still very poor and cheaply made. it is at least comfy to use
Stick material has already been change already. How long it take MS to change shit dpad of 360? And yet, dpad of shit xbox controller is still shit. Gaming site praise DS4 trigger all around and feel good for all genre. Xbone trigger oversize for gimmick when 360 trigger were fine. Touchpad is much more useful while MS pay 100 million for mad catz design.
Sorry lem, you lose to superior DS4.
hahaha - if its been " praised " its because it is such a big improvement over the DS3
touchpad = basically useless so far, its essentially a big button. it is far quicker to type using the d-pad.
X1 Triggers are not oversized, they work perfectly in tandem with the bumper buttons as per the design. the rumble feature is a neat touch.
DS4 triggers are also very small and slippy, not as good as XB360's, never mind X1's
The sticks on DS4 also are very slippy, i have to constantly take my thumbs off them and re-position, that is poor design.
enough has been said
best things about the DS4 are it is very comfy to hold.
and the integrated speaker (when it gets used).
Praise because it is improvement over DS3, and 360 pad, and superior to xbone pad. Ouch.
Much more useful than rumble trigger, which only use for one game well- Forza. Touch function more useful, can be use for scrolling menu, using ability, also pressing in different area can be use as multiple button like in MGS ground zero and Diablo 3. Use will only grow over generation, while rumble trigger will stay gimmick.
360 trigger were ok, xbone trigger big, ugly, cheap like child toy. Matching with bumper button is not positive, selfown. Compare to L1 and R1, there is no compare. And they still do not fix dpad and skittle button.
DS4 trigger start big, taper, and curve so your finger do not slip. Your description show that you have not touch them, or are paid MS liar.
Material on DS4 has been change already. Xbox still using shit dpad.
Thank for reminding me of speaker and headphone jack and light bar as well. More positive of DS4 over xbone controller. TLHBO.
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