First lets have a look at Sony's track record for games
1st party
Incognito Entertainment
- Twisted Metal: Black = 9.5
- Twisted Metal: Head-On = 8.5
- Warhawk : 8.5
Naughty Dog (acquired in 2001)
- Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy = 8.8
- Jak II = 9.1
- Jak 3 = 8.6
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune = 8.0
SCE Studios Santa Monica
- God Of War = 9.3
- God Of War II = 9.2
Polyphony Digital
- Gran Turismo = 8.6
- Gran Turismo 2 = 8.5
- Gran Turismo 3 = 9.4
- Gran Turismo 4 = 8.9
- Tourist Trophy = 8.2
Team ICO
- Ico = 8.5
- Shadow of the Colossus = 8.7
Guerrilla Games (aquired in 2005)
- Killzone: Liberation = 8.3
Now I know you guys are going to dig out some 1st party games which are lacklustre and I just want to say that I am aware Sony has created some games which do not meet expectations but that is not the point. Sony are one of the big players when it comes to making great games so why all of a sudden Killzone 2 won't be within those 80% of awseome games.
Let me point out again that Guirrilla were acquired by Sony in 2005 so Killzone 1 was not a first party title and thus had nothing to do with Sony. Guirrilla & Sony are working really hard on KZ2 and spending much time and resources like they would onGT or GOW game. You see KZ2 is not just another game from Sony and they have made that clear by emhasizing the importance of Killzone 2.
Let me just bullet point the reason why KZ2 won't fail
Sony are working with Guirrilla employees to make this a stand out shooter of 08 !
Why would Sony acompany who 80% of the time makes great games spend so much effort on a game if it did not meet expectations, the answer, they are doing all they can to meet these expectations.
Guirrilla who were inexperienced with console development back when they created Killzone 1 are now experienced and have the knowledge given to them by Sony.
I'm not saying Killzone 2 will be the greatest game ever I'm just saying it won't fail and you can spin that how ever way you want but I'm sticking by that statement. The odds of Killzone 2 being a great game are high
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