Seriously guys, I need help. I need to set up some type of payment plan to afford these. After seeing that ridiculous Resistance 3 Trailer with those incredible kills I don't know what to do with games constantly coming...
How many games are you going to be buying. For me it looks like:
Uncharted 3
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3 (watch this get delayed though til Jan 2012!)
Killzone 3
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (haven't got this one yet!)
Heavy Rain (when it's $10-$20)
Infamous 2
Games I might buy:
Batman Arkham City
and we don't even know if other games like Starhawk are coming, but there's a good chance that it does come in late 2011/early 2012
basically there are so many great looks games, that I won't need a PS4 or next Xbox.
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