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how can you say that it won't at this point? It's not even released in Europe.Doomshine
I wish people would stop it with the PS3 bashing threads already. IT JUST CAME OUT. and its not even out everywhere yet. If a year from now things haven't changed, then i would worry if I was a PS3 owner. As of right now, I see no reason for panic.
They look the blockbuster games that have yet to be released that are surefire million sellers.InfamousC
Simple. If history has shown us anything, its that something is not over until its over.
For example, while this may seem as if out of context, many folks doubt that United States had any kind of realistic chance against British back in the Revolutionary days...and if you would have judge the basis on the entire war from the early battles would have been "right on the money" correct...and yet...despite all of the grim feelings at the begging...despite grim hope.....United States, at the end of the day (well, you know what I mean), proved to be victorious...
So, with that being said, while I am not necessarily saying that Sony and Play Station 3 will prove doubters wrong, battle for market dominance has only begun.....
In another words...simply too early to judge about we wait another year until we say who has "won" or "lost," once all of the consoles have a) been released in all major regions and b) had chance to be on the market, at the very least, for year.
After all...unless I mistaken...when executive from the current leader of the market states that its too early to judge who will "win" or "loss" until (see what I stated in the above sentence), I think I can safely say that its too early to judge...
sony has better exclusives than 360 or wii. clickflipknoc
how many of those games were pushed back to '08.... and how does anyone think killzone will be AAA when they havent seen anything from it especially considering the first one sucked? It could be AAA but it could be crap.
your info is outdated.
How is it even possible? If someone is going to say sony will have a turn around, Id like them to explain how!
Sell in all three territories = WIN!
Sell in only two out of three territories = LOSE!
The Japan/Asian market is not as big as it use to be but you still need it to win.
How is it even possible? If someone is going to say sony will have a turn around, Id like them to explain how!Square releases the final fantasy's Sony redesigns it so it doesn't look like a POS Konami releases MGS Developers take the same interest in it as they did in the ps2 Bluray takes off and people want a cheap bluray player Sony tells more lies Sony gets their advertising together Sony loses their arrogance/ sony gains more arrogance (lol either one would help them) Sony releases their ********* system to the rest of the world
How is it even possible? Look.
Sony could
-Drop the premium price to $400 and take a huge hit. NIn,M$ will respond with price cuts.
-Make another sku without blue ray and have a blue ray addon, price it between $350,$400 Again M$ and nin will just under cut them.
-Focus on the $500 dollar sku. see above to see what M$ and nintendo would do.
regardless of if it has FF or not, consumers have voted with there wallets. and $600 dollars is not mass market.
If someone is going to say sony will have a turn around, Id like them to explain how!
simple as that.
have a good day man
sony has better exclusives than 360 or wii. clickflipknoc
You do realise that multi-plat games often sell more than exclusives? You would be suprised how many people in the UK bought the PS2 for FIFA, Need for Speed and GTA
Comparing the American Revolution to game consoles = failSimple. If history has shown us anything, its that something is not over until its over.
For example, while this may seem as if out of context, many folks doubt that United States had any kind of realistic chance against British back in the Revolutionary days...and if you would have judge the basis on the entire war from the early battles would have been "right on the money" correct...and yet...despite all of the grim feelings at the begging...despite grim hope.....United States, at the end of the day (well, you know what I mean), proved to be victorious...
So, with that being said, while I am not necessarily saying that Sony and Play Station 3 will prove doubters wrong, battle for market dominance has only begun.....
In another words...simply too early to judge about we wait another year until we say who has "won" or "lost," once all of the consoles have a) been released in all major regions and b) had chance to be on the market, at the very least, for year.
After all...unless I mistaken...when executive from the current leader of the market states that its too early to judge who will "win" or "loss" until (see what I stated in the above sentence), I think I can safely say that its too early to judge...
It's supposed to have a 10 year life span, so in a while they will have things fixed up.her0_54By then Xbox720 will be out.
how can anyone say that Sony will lose this gen?
For one, how do you define "losing". How does a company LOSE in this market?
Give me a good definition of losing, and i will give you a cookie. And dont say "number of consols sold". Number of consols sold wont cause Sony or any other company to shrivel up in shame and die in a corner.
sony has better exclusives than 360 or wii. clickflipknocLOL.....i love how GamePro hasn't been considered a serious gaming mag in years, but since they said that the PS3 has better exclusives all the cows are treating gamepro as the second coming of christ. what a joke.
sony has better exclusives than 360 or wii. clickflipknocI'll start by saying that I don't know what will happen, but PS3 exclusives may not be enough. If the PS3 is priced too high, will these exclusives matter? For early adopters and really serious gamers, sure, but for the mass market that actually decides who wins console wars, format wars, or burger chain and cola wars, if the thing is too bloody expensive it's over. I don't know if it is too expensive, but I do know that at the least it is flirting with that region of the price spectrum.
omfg. THE PRICE IS NOT WHAT IS PREVENTING THE PS3 FROM WINNING. i know i sound like a snob (and don't care), but a lot of people CAN afford it. it is a whole bunch of things. such as the lack of must have games, the lack of a release in EUROPE, the arrogant approach sony is taking, the lack of previous playstation powerhouse sellers. All these things add up. The ps3, atm, IS NOT A GOOD SYSTEM. Go ahead, compare it to the xbox 360 and tell me how it's better. why, because it has bluray? 360 has a hddvd addon if you're that desperate for high definition. In the future, if Sony can get its act together with those exclusives, and a general flow of games coming to the system, it may improve. but atm, price is only a small factor. inter_wogOf course there are those, perhaps yourself included, that can afford it. There are people that can afford many things that most can't. The problem is that no system war is decided by the affluent, it's decided by the average consumer. I think that normal people CAN afford it technically, normal people buy things much more expensive (e.g. houses, cars), but those things are necessary, consoles are not. Normal people with normal jobs, families, obligations, have to set priorities... will they view an expensive game system as a priority?
By ending the generation with a net loss of 4 billion can anyone say that Sony will lose this gen?
For one, how do you define "losing". How does a company LOSE in this market?
Give me a good definition of losing, and i will give you a cookie. And dont say "number of consols sold". Number of consols sold wont cause Sony or any other company to shrivel up in shame and die in a corner.
[QUOTE="HellsAngel2c"]By ending the generation with a net loss of 4 billion dollars. Ooooooh... burn. No, I think losing to Sony means having less than a majority of the market share. If their install base is too low, the exlusives will jump ship and go cross platform (or ally themselves with the dominant console as many did with Sony last gen.) It's quite possible Sony will 'lose' based on this can anyone say that Sony will lose this gen?
For one, how do you define "losing". How does a company LOSE in this market?
Give me a good definition of losing, and i will give you a cookie. And dont say "number of consols sold". Number of consols sold wont cause Sony or any other company to shrivel up in shame and die in a corner.
[QUOTE="HellsAngel2c"]By ending the generation with a net loss of 4 billion dollars. I think that what a Sony or MS executive or shareholder considers "losing" and what a fanboy considers losing are 2 different things. Sony would consider significant lost marketshare and an overall net loss at the end of this generation losing. A fanboy would consider a competing product selling more units than their favoured brand can anyone say that Sony will lose this gen?
For one, how do you define "losing". How does a company LOSE in this market?
Give me a good definition of losing, and i will give you a cookie. And dont say "number of consols sold". Number of consols sold wont cause Sony or any other company to shrivel up in shame and die in a corner.
sony can't "win" either way.
to "win" the goal is to sell the most and generate profits.
if sony slashes the ps3's price, they may sell the most, but will incur HUGE losses to sony.Â
and yes, MS has had their 360's in production longer, giving them a huge lead in cost and price reduction over sony. not to mention MS has limitless funds.
how do you win a poker game against a player with limitless funds? you don't... that's why casino's are as successful as they are...;)
[QUOTE="flipknoc"]sony has better exclusives than 360 or wii. clickMass_Effect
You do realise that multi-plat games often sell more than exclusives? You would be suprised how many people in the UK bought the PS2 for FIFA, Need for Speed and GTA
I will not say that multiplatform games don't sell, but exclusive gamse sell pretty more bro. Look at the top 3 best selling franchise we got, Pokemon, Mario, Final Fantasy, all three exclusives. Then you have like Zelda that sells a lot too. Dragon Quest, Halo, Gears of War and so on. The real multiplatform games taht really sell are games like Maddden in USa and Fifa n europeI don't think the PS3 will last 4 years let alone 10. It's rather simple really. Currently Sony is expending it's hardcore loyalist's in NA and Japan, and if sales are anything to go by, they are almost done. After the PS3 has depleted it's loyalist's in Europe and Australia, the PS3 will flatline. bluebrad1974You keep saying that over and over. You don't know anything about how many loyalists are out there happily playing their ps2s just watching and waiting for when the time is right.
Simple. If history has shown us anything, its that something is not over until its over.
For example, while this may seem as if out of context, many folks doubt that United States had any kind of realistic chance against British back in the Revolutionary days...and if you would have judge the basis on the entire war from the early battles would have been "right on the money" correct...and yet...despite all of the grim feelings at the begging...despite grim hope.....United States, at the end of the day (well, you know what I mean), proved to be victorious...
I'm not going to go into a debate about this, but America had the French and Spanish fighting against the English. Sony doesn't have anyone backing them up. But I still think Sony could win this gen
[QUOTE="Link256"]Simple. If history has shown us anything, its that something is not over until its over.
For example, while this may seem as if out of context, many folks doubt that United States had any kind of realistic chance against British back in the Revolutionary days...and if you would have judge the basis on the entire war from the early battles would have been "right on the money" correct...and yet...despite all of the grim feelings at the begging...despite grim hope.....United States, at the end of the day (well, you know what I mean), proved to be victorious...
I'm not going to go into a debate about this, but America had the French and Spanish fighting against the English. Sony doesn't have anyone backing them up. But I still think Sony could win this gen
Bottom line, the analogy is ridiculous, as all the why's and how's of the American Revolutionary War are infinitely more complex than the birth life and death of a single electronics product. He was trying to bring up a moment in history where things looked bleak, someone or something was counted out, and came back to triumph. For every example that can be given like that from history, 10 can be given where the underdog got it's ass kicked. Analogy = failed.[QUOTE="Doomshine"]how can you say that it won't at this point? It's not even released in Europe.mazdero
I wish people would stop it with the PS3 bashing threads already. IT JUST CAME OUT. and its not even out everywhere yet. If a year from now things haven't changed, then i would worry if I was a PS3 owner. As of right now, I see no reason for panic.
It is true, Europe is a very important asset for Sony. Its just fanboy talk anyway.
[QUOTE="mazdero"][QUOTE="Doomshine"]how can you say that it won't at this point? It's not even released in Europe.Leejjohno
I wish people would stop it with the PS3 bashing threads already. IT JUST CAME OUT. and its not even out everywhere yet. If a year from now things haven't changed, then i would worry if I was a PS3 owner. As of right now, I see no reason for panic.
It is true, Europe is a very important asset for Sony. Its just fanboy talk anyway.
Why is it that before launch, I would never hear word one about Europe in SW unless it was someone asking "When does PS3 launch in Bulgaria?" But now, it's Europe Europe Europe all day like this is the big gun that Sony has been counting on the whole time. Does anyone really think that the past console winners, NES / SNES / PS1 / PS2, rose or fell because of their fortunes in Europe? Like Sony execs are sitting in the boardroom saying (in Japanese presumably) "You know what we need? We need us a little Swedish lightning! Booya! That's what'll kickstart this byotch! "[QUOTE="bluebrad1974"]I don't think the PS3 will last 4 years let alone 10. It's rather simple really. Currently Sony is expending it's hardcore loyalist's in NA and Japan, and if sales are anything to go by, they are almost done. After the PS3 has depleted it's loyalist's in Europe and Australia, the PS3 will flatline. Nike_AirYou keep saying that over and over. You don't know anything about how many loyalists are out there happily playing their ps2s just watching and waiting for when the time is right.
[QUOTE="Leejjohno"][QUOTE="mazdero"][QUOTE="Doomshine"]how can you say that it won't at this point? It's not even released in Europe.dsmccracken
I wish people would stop it with the PS3 bashing threads already. IT JUST CAME OUT. and its not even out everywhere yet. If a year from now things haven't changed, then i would worry if I was a PS3 owner. As of right now, I see no reason for panic.
It is true, Europe is a very important asset for Sony. Its just fanboy talk anyway.
Why is it that before launch, I would never hear word one about Europe in SW unless it was someone asking "When does PS3 launch in Bulgaria?" But now, it's Europe Europe Europe all day like this is the big gun that Sony has been counting on the whole time. Does anyone really think that the past console winners, NES / SNES / PS1 / PS2, rose or fell because of their fortunes in Europe? Like Sony execs are sitting in the boardroom saying (in Japanese presumably) "You know what we need? We need us a little Swedish lightning! Booya! That's what'll kickstart this byotch! "No.... UK happens to be in Europe, now what is it? The 4th richest country in the world or something? The point is there, that most people in the UK will own a PS3. You need to stop being ignorant.
[QUOTE="dsmccracken"][QUOTE="Leejjohno"][QUOTE="mazdero"][QUOTE="Doomshine"]how can you say that it won't at this point? It's not even released in Europe.Leejjohno
I wish people would stop it with the PS3 bashing threads already. IT JUST CAME OUT. and its not even out everywhere yet. If a year from now things haven't changed, then i would worry if I was a PS3 owner. As of right now, I see no reason for panic.
It is true, Europe is a very important asset for Sony. Its just fanboy talk anyway.
Why is it that before launch, I would never hear word one about Europe in SW unless it was someone asking "When does PS3 launch in Bulgaria?" But now, it's Europe Europe Europe all day like this is the big gun that Sony has been counting on the whole time. Does anyone really think that the past console winners, NES / SNES / PS1 / PS2, rose or fell because of their fortunes in Europe? Like Sony execs are sitting in the boardroom saying (in Japanese presumably) "You know what we need? We need us a little Swedish lightning! Booya! That's what'll kickstart this byotch! "No.... UK happens to be in Europe, now what is it? The 4th richest country in the world or something? The point is there, that most people in the UK will own a PS3. You need to stop being ignorant.
What is ignorant is assuming that residents of the UK, 4th richest, are going to use their discretionary income in a significantly different way than those in Japan or the US (which rank on that same list what, 1st and 2nd? 1st and 3rd?). Did I miss the press release that the PS3 will only cost 100 pounds in the UK?[QUOTE="dsmccracken"][QUOTE="Leejjohno"][QUOTE="mazdero"][QUOTE="Doomshine"]how can you say that it won't at this point? It's not even released in Europe.Leejjohno
I wish people would stop it with the PS3 bashing threads already. IT JUST CAME OUT. and its not even out everywhere yet. If a year from now things haven't changed, then i would worry if I was a PS3 owner. As of right now, I see no reason for panic.
It is true, Europe is a very important asset for Sony. Its just fanboy talk anyway.
Why is it that before launch, I would never hear word one about Europe in SW unless it was someone asking "When does PS3 launch in Bulgaria?" But now, it's Europe Europe Europe all day like this is the big gun that Sony has been counting on the whole time. Does anyone really think that the past console winners, NES / SNES / PS1 / PS2, rose or fell because of their fortunes in Europe? Like Sony execs are sitting in the boardroom saying (in Japanese presumably) "You know what we need? We need us a little Swedish lightning! Booya! That's what'll kickstart this byotch! "No.... UK happens to be in Europe, now what is it? The 4th richest country in the world or something? The point is there, that most people in the UK will own a PS3. You need to stop being ignorant.
1. you shouldn't pretend to know what people will buy. the ps2 was waaaaaaay cheaper than the ps3, so don't compare the two.
2. it was predicted North america would flock to the ps3 because of their salary ranges... guess what.... didn't happen...;)
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