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Pokemon is far from being a series that brings innovative , bad or good thats up to you but isnt it a little soon for another 2 Pokemon games. Aside from introducing generation 5 I doubt many changes will take place.There gonna be sold this fall as DS games BTW Hope that helps prove my theory that the 3DS is just another Dsi which along with the lite and phat make up the (DS series)http://ca.kotaku.com/5513079/new-pokemon-games-revealed-pokemon-black--pokemon-whiteOrigami_Kill3r
uhh...no, lol
this is being release in the FALL for the DS....NOT the 3DS
the 3DS is being released NEXT YEAR
so if it's being released on the DS and NOT the 3DS, then how exactly does this prove ANYTHING about the 3DS?
What would the 3DS due to improve anything but graphics. Nothing but if 3DS is truely a successor and not a alteration like Dsi then why not Start getting that launch line up ready and start programing games for 3DS and not ds.What would the 3DS do to improve the pokemon formula beyond what it already is?
Great way to put it.I think as long as the milk is not spoiled it will continue to taste good.
It's milked, but its addicting so I don't mind.
I just beat HeartGold - so I'm already anticipating my shiny new Pokemon Black (or White depending on how my roommate and I decide to split it up)
Oh, and whatever enhanced (Gray?) version they release down the line.
[QUOTE="Origami_Kill3r"]Pokemon is far from being a series that brings innovative , bad or good thats up to you but isnt it a little soon for another 2 Pokemon games. Aside from introducing generation 5 I doubt many changes will take place. There gonna be sold this fall as DS games BTW Hope that helps prove my theory that the 3DS is just another Dsi which along with the lite and phat make up the (DS series)CDUB316uhh...no, lolthis is being release in the FALL for the DS....NOT the 3DSthe 3DS is being released NEXT YEARso if it's being released on the DS and NOT the 3DS, then how exactly does this prove ANYTHING about the 3DS? Pokemon is a big series for nin. If 3DS was that important instead of making a ds version theyd make a 3DS version for its launch to push system. It would be like sony selling mgs4 on ps2 months before ps3 came out.
I think something being milked is only a bad thing when these things happen:
1. the user base jsut gets tired of it because of over sturation.
2. They stop trying to make it better, and jsut rehash the same old thing over and over again.
3. They run it into the ground, and quality keeps slipping from game to game to the point where its just abysmal.
If they have the same damn gameplay and story formula the series has had for almost 15 years now, Im ut.
Yes, its a milked franchise, but it sells like chocolate coated crack.
[QUOTE="Miyomatic"][QUOTE="funsohng"] make it 3dfunsohng
And that affects the pokemon formula how?...
it will look great!Gamefreak cant make quality 3D on first try Im sorry especially being used to 2D so long taking the easy road and riding the success of their first game
What would the 3DS due to improve anything but graphics. Nothing but if 3DS is truely a successor and not a alteration like Dsi then why not Start getting that launch line up ready and start programing games for 3DS and not ds.Origami_Kill3r
How do you know there aren't 3DS games in the works? Should Sony should have immediately stopped all development for the PS2 and focused entirely on the PS3 after that system had been announced?
Gamefreak cant make quality 3D on first try Im sorry especially being used to 2D so long taking the easy road and riding the success of their first game
Ghost, be quiet and go play on your iPod.
and is this really "News"???
I thought people knew that Pokemon was milked!
I'm not going to argue that the Pokemon franchise isn't milked, but this is a really bad example of that. Yeah, cite the many spinoffs, multiple versions of the same game and remakes, but there's nothing wrong with with another mothership title for the franchise on the DS. This would be the first time there's been two on the same system; but there's been plenty of franchises that have had two or more main titles on the same system. Plus we know next to nothing about this game, for all we know it could a complete formula reboot.
1) It's the first Pokemon main series game since 2007 when we got Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. It'l be released here next year. What are you even talking about? One game in four years is 'milked?' :? 2) It's for the DS, NOT the 2DS. So this proves nothing, and your theory fades into obscurity. Sad, I know.charizard1605
Pokemon Platinum released in 2009, HeartGold and SoulSilver remakes in 2010, and God knows how many spin-off titles there have been since 2007.
it will look great![QUOTE="funsohng"][QUOTE="Miyomatic"]
And that affects the pokemon formula how?...
Gamefreak cant make quality 3D on first try Im sorry especially being used to 2D so long taking the easy road and riding the success of their first game
Gamefreak's first game was for the nes.This is not for he 3DS, so it won't show anything about the 3DS, sorry.
Pokemon is a nice chocolate milk, not sour off milk.
make it 3d[QUOTE="funsohng"][QUOTE="Miyomatic"]
What would the 3DS do to improve the pokemon formula beyond what it already is?
And that affects the pokemon formula how?...
Well the 3DS is also a ton more powerful graphical wise, so maybe make Pokemon's graphics less ancient. Anyway I used to think the main franchise was never milked even when the remake games were introduced because Nintendo always had some time between the releases, like 2+ years (excluding the 3rd version of the new game). But Heartgold and Soulsliver were just released and their already talking about a new Pokemon game? Seriously too much imo, plus the formula never changes as well, its just too much of the same old Pokemon over and over imo. Now if the game does something different, like re-invent the formula then I'm willing to forgive this milking.What if you're lactose intolerant? :PI think as long as the milk is not spoiled it will continue to taste good.
[QUOTE="Miyomatic"][QUOTE="funsohng"] make it 3dfunsohng
And that affects the pokemon formula how?...
it will look great! So now i get too see low res sprites in 3D,how great.[QUOTE="charizard1605"]1) It's the first Pokemon main series game since 2007 when we got Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. It'l be released here next year. What are you even talking about? One game in four years is 'milked?' :? 2) It's for the DS, NOT the 2DS. So this proves nothing, and your theory fades into obscurity. Sad, I know.Sky-
Pokemon Platinum released in 2009, HeartGold and SoulSilver remakes in 2010, and God knows how many spin-off titles there have been since 2007.
Pokemon PLatinum is Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. As for HG/SS they are remakes, remakes that people really freakin' wanted. This is the first new gen of pokemon since 2007, and it won't likely arrive until 2011. That's 4 years before a new generation begins.
Of course, that's not to say the series isn't "milked". There are so many spin offs.. but that shouldn't dull our excitment for a new gen of pokemon. Especially since the director has said that this title will have some big new things in store for the pokemon series(gonintendo posted a blog comment of his).
They said they were doing some innovative stuff with it, so I'd hold off on the negative commentary at least for a while.
Pokemon PLatinum is Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. As for HG/SS they are remakes, remakes that people really freakin' wanted. This is the first new gen of pokemon since 2007, and it won't likely arrive until 2011. That's 4 years before a new generation begins.
Of course, that's not to say the series isn't "milked". There are so many spin offs.. but that shouldn't dull our excitment for a new gen of pokemon. Especially since the director has said that this title will have some big new things in store for the pokemon series(gonintendo posted a blog comment of his).
Right, I was just responding to the guy with the Pokeball avatar who was claiming it wasn't milked at all. Although I dislike Pokemon for the most part now, I can see the appeal of it.
[QUOTE="Clank-PS-Snake"]I don't care, I hate Nintendo but I looooooooove Pokemon and I'm not embarrased to admit it, if they made a proper Wii game of it I might even have to turn that dust collector on.IppoTenmaMario galaxy isn't a proper Wii game? Huh. Weird.
He meant something along the lines of "if Nintendo made a proper Pokemon title for Wii, then I would actually use the console." Or at least, that's what I assume he meant.
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