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Wii Fit is probably the best idea Nintendo could come up with. It will sell millions of copies and maintain the Wii as the dominant console. I wouldn't be surprised when the game becomes more popular (among non-gamers) than Halo 3 or GTA4. darkmario123
Do you own stock in nintendo? Why do you care about sales? If its a game you are interested in, great, but dont go around preaching about sales like the bigwigs at nintendo unless you have a vested interest in its the bigwigs at nintendo.
They didn't. Microsoft did. Nintendo and Sony tied in my book.nyoroism
IMO it was all so bad that it's hard to know where to start. Wii-fit and COD4 demo where the highlights (and COD4 is multi-plat anyway). This year was filled with things we knew were coming and really devoid of any blow-off-your-socks surprises. Even last year with the Halo 3 trailer, we knew it was coming, but it was still impressive, this year the trailer was a load of badly cobbeled together clips with limp musical score behind it (it's almost as if E3's become so small that they no one is even trying anymore).
It was a dud all round, but IMO Nintendo's was the weakest showing, instead of proving their commitment to online gamers with new games they simply pointed us back at old games, not particularly inspiring.
Because this is a game forum with hardcore gaming fans. Take into account Nintendo pretty much gave us the middle finger and said, "We want you mom as a gamer more then you". Now, Nintendo is already in business super stardom. They are marketing geniuses and Wii Fit will sell well in my opinion. But then again sales don't really change the quality of of shown games.Ibacai
You know after the Nintendo press confrence, they had a press release that said when all the big Hardcore games are going to release this year...
Why talk about games that we arelready know about anyway?
That's basicaly all Microsoft and Sony did....
Couldn't have said it any better.You're right. It will sell well.
But Nintendo sure lost from a gamer perpective.
They lost because their only big announcement was exercise. EXERCISE.
They're a video game company, and their big announcement was exercise. Put your absurd fanboy bias aside and think about that. They have officially sold real gamers out.
Nintendo did lose, it proved the Wii-mote is not perfect and showed all the cheap crap you will end up buying (light gun, steering wheel, pad-thing) - it's R.O.B. and the Power Glove all over again,....Demetri_OS
Those peripherals are not needed to play the game. They can make the controller feel more intuitive, comfortable, or appealing to casuals. Considering those come from free with the games anyway, I don't mind.
[QUOTE="Ibacai"]Because this is a game forum with hardcore gaming fans. Take into account Nintendo pretty much gave us the middle finger and said, "We want you mom as a gamer more then you". Now, Nintendo is already in business super stardom. They are marketing geniuses and Wii Fit will sell well in my opinion. But then again sales don't really change the quality of of shown games.GundamGuy0
You know after the Nintendo press confrence, they had a press release that said when all the big Hardcore games are going to release this year...
Why talk about games that we arelready know about anyway?
That's basicaly all Microsoft and Sony did....
Well, what would you rather hear about, Nintendo talking about games or Nintendo talking about sales numbers? Really, it wasn't good.Oh boy wiifit! :roll: Face it, Nintendo has sold out like some of us had predicted when they told us their target audience last year. It looks like I'll be sticking with my pc and 360 for this generation. Renegade_Fury
Talking of sell-outs...did you not watch M$ conference? The Madden playthrough was totally unecessary and blatantly cashing on sales rather than being exciting in and off itself, the same goes for the overly long showing of Naruto, if it wasn't such a big selling franchise they wouldn't have bothered, yet they did and neither of these games are big titles or announcements in their own right.
All these shows (even the best) were worse than even Sony's conference last year.
I would like to know how anyone besides Sony fanboys can say Sony "won". All of the shows were worse then last years, but I thought everyone was expecting this. limpbizkit818
New PSP?
Better PSP/PS3 connectivity?
New 2nd party studio?
UT exclusive?
Haze exclusive?
Killzone trailerthat owned halo?
360 lost E3... nobody is talking about it.furtherfan
No way, Nintendo's conference was way worse. Also they at least showed that 360 and pc ar still committed to the hardcore fan base.
You people are apparently missing the point of these "casual" games. THese games were made to make Nintendo money. Where do you think they are going to go? Nintendo doesn't do anything besides make consoles and games so of course Nintendo is going to use them for GAMES.
Lets take a look at the DS. Nintendogs and Brain Age were both made for casual gamers. They both sold incredibily well and made lots of money for Nintendo. What did Nintendo use this money for? Most likely DS games and the Wii and it's games. Wii Fit will be one of the biggest selling games, live with it. Nintendo will use the oney to make some great games and their next console in a few years.
You're right. It will sell well.
But Nintendo sure lost from a gamer perpective.
I wanna buy WiiFit actually.... I think they did really well.
A little too much bragging.... but they did well.
[QUOTE="Demetri_OS"]Nintendo did lose, it proved the Wii-mote is not perfect and showed all the cheap crap you will end up buying (light gun, steering wheel, pad-thing) - it's R.O.B. and the Power Glove all over again,....DaAznSaN
Those peripherals are not needed to play the game. They can make the controller feel more intuitive, comfortable, or appealing to casuals. Considering those come from free with the games anyway, I don't mind.
Like the free wii-mote you get with Wii-play? If thats the direction they are going - no thanks. Looks like we have more cruddy "party" games on the way.ÂThat's a pretty big assumption. If you look at it from a business perspective, wouldn't Nintendo just keep making casual games because they sell well? Sure, they will have some hardcore games but I doubt Nintendo is just using the casual games to springboard into a lot of hardcore games.You people are apparently missing the point of these "casual" games. THese games were made to make Nintendo money. Where do you think they are going to go? Nintendo doesn't do anything besides make consoles and games so of course Nintendo is going to use them for GAMES.
Lets take a look at the DS. Nintendogs and Brain Age were both made for casual gamers. They both sold incredibily well and made lots of money for Nintendo. What did Nintendo use this money for? Most likely DS games and the Wii and it's games. Wii Fit will be one of the biggest selling games, live with it. Nintendo will use the oney to make some great games and their next console in a few years.
[QUOTE="Renegade_Fury"]Oh boy wiifit! :roll: Face it, Nintendo has sold out like some of us had predicted when they told us their target audience last year. It looks like I'll be sticking with my pc and 360 for this generation. Articuno76
Talking of sell-outs...did you not watch M$ conference? The Madden playthrough was totally unecessary and blatantly cashing on sales rather than being exciting in and off itself, the same goes for the overly long showing of Naruto, if it wasn't such a big selling franchise they wouldn't have bothered, yet they did and neither of these games are big titles or announcements in their own right.
All these shows (even the best) were worse than even Sony's conference last year.
Huh? Madden is huge why not talk about it? The Naruto game will sell too, so why not show a 1:00 min video? MS still showed the other games I care about like Crysis, Halo 3, Mass Effect, PGR4 etc. so I don't understand what you're talking about. What did Nintendo show me? Oh yes, their lack of commitment to good online, casual trash, and exercise. :roll:
[QUOTE="furtherfan"]360 lost E3... nobody is talking about it.Renegade_Fury
No way, Nintendo's conference was way worse. Also they at least showed that 360 and pc ar still committed to the hardcore fan base.
nintendo was pretty bad too. bad at least they got mario kart....
Sony won this E3. that's clear as thin air
[QUOTE="DaAznSaN"][QUOTE="Demetri_OS"]Nintendo did lose, it proved the Wii-mote is not perfect and showed all the cheap crap you will end up buying (light gun, steering wheel, pad-thing) - it's R.O.B. and the Power Glove all over again,....Demetri_OS
Those peripherals are not needed to play the game. They can make the controller feel more intuitive, comfortable, or appealing to casuals. Considering those come from free with the games anyway, I don't mind.
Like the free wii-mote you get with Wii-play? If thats the direction they are going - no thanks. Looks like we have more cruddy "party" games on the, its not like that, although I actually like that deal. Its like the steering wheel that comes with that 4x4 truck game or sth. Those peripherals aren't NEEDED to play the game, but they come with it to make the game simpler for casuals anyways...
[QUOTE="DaAznSaN"][QUOTE="Demetri_OS"]Nintendo did lose, it proved the Wii-mote is not perfect and showed all the cheap crap you will end up buying (light gun, steering wheel, pad-thing) - it's R.O.B. and the Power Glove all over again,....Demetri_OS
Those peripherals are not needed to play the game. They can make the controller feel more intuitive, comfortable, or appealing to casuals. Considering those come from free with the games anyway, I don't mind.
Like the free wii-mote you get with Wii-play? If thats the direction they are going - no thanks. Looks like we have more cruddy "party" games on the way.I wouldn't consider a game like Mario Kart a party game. Well, I guess you can since I can play it with my friends and online, but I wouldn't call it cruddy.
And I don't understand your Wiimote and Wii Play example. That's a pretty good deal, IMO.
That's a pretty big assumption. If you look at it from a business perspective, wouldn't Nintendo just keep making casual games because they sell well? Sure, they will have some hardcore games but I doubt Nintendo is just using the casual games to springboard into a lot of hardcore games.IbacaiHow many recent casual games have you seen on the DS made by Nintendo? Not as many as there were. They are releaseing plenty but the bigger releases obviously have bigger budgets than the games like Cooking Mama.
Wii Fit is probably the best idea Nintendo could come up with. It will sell millions of copies and maintain the Wii as the dominant console. I wouldn't be surprised when the game becomes more popular (among non-gamers) than Halo 3 or GTA4. darkmario123
go to a gym
[QUOTE="Renegade_Fury"][QUOTE="furtherfan"]360 lost E3... nobody is talking about it.furtherfan
No way, Nintendo's conference was way worse. Also they at least showed that 360 and pc ar still committed to the hardcore fan base.
nintendo was pretty bad too. bad at least they got mario kart....
Sony won this E3. that's clear as thin air
Oh boy another Mario kart. Oh wait, but this time they're including a horrible online setup...woot...:roll:
Yeah Sony won since they had no where to go but up. Still they didn't impress me that much either. This was the worst E3 by far.
ps2 eyetoy>>>>>wii fit
with eye toy you can exercise and see yourself
and yes there are plenty of exercise eyetoy games
please, eyetoy is over, could we stop the stupid comparisons?
the eyetoy didn't come free with a game, it could not measure your weight, how you balance it , etc.
[QUOTE="Zam_basic"]ps2 eyetoy>>>>>wii fit
with eye toy you can exercise and see yourself
and yes there are plenty of exercise eyetoy games
please, eyetoy is over, could we stop the stupid comparisons?
the eyetoy didn't come free with a game, it could not measure your weight, how you balance it , etc.
People who cares what would be better? Just goo jogging or go to a gym like everyone else. It's not even a game, so why is anyone even talking about it?
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