[QUOTE="SupraGT"][QUOTE="-Renegade"]I am guessing your playing on the 360 version because just about none of the problems you mentioned have accured on the PS3 version. Depending on the characters your right swords can have an advantage.. I have seen people though who have killed me without swords and I don't even get close to them. Taki and Cervatias or whatever has some awesome moves and they don't need the long weaspons to win if you know how to play with them.
Another thing the people I have fought in ranked games or should I say spanked me they are definitely not button smashers. Some of them pull off the craziest moves and I wander why I even bother moving the analog stick when I played them. Lag is no problem at all on PS3. The only time it lags is when the match ends which is strange...
I heard the lag was worse on PS3. Characters like talim have no chance of getting inside thier hit zones. 1 second lag kills the game. I can't guard in time neither GI. I have to throw in the input way before the animations come.
Dreamsvisions has been pretty pissed at this games online peformance over PSN to the point where he's said he wants to return the PS3 version and buy the 360 version. I'm assuming this game is having many isolated incidents. Dreams and CJ have said the online isn't even as good a Brawls which is um wow.
How can these guys not even be up to par with DOA4 yet hell even DOAU? I still like SC better then DOA though.
The lag isin't bad at all. It's like a small slowdown for a moment every 3-4 matches for me. I've heard the 360 version lags a bit, too.
Its not as bad as brawl, though. >_>
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