[QUOTE="vashkey"] Well, it's not like Call of Duty is any more or less harmful to you than any other videogame so the analogy fall slat on it's face. Not to mention if you choose to you can eat healthy at McDonalds. aroxx_ab
That isn't the point. I'm not saying, "hey you stop enjoying your games." What I am saying is people need to realize when they are eating a huge cash-cow. The COD releases have been extremely lazy yet they influences the release schedule, dlc pricing, and the overall polish the consumer expects. The game consumer need to speak with their wallets, or else the industry will continue to take advantage of them. The perfect example is the 3DS. It was priced high, but perhaps too high. The consumer as a whole told nintendo essentially, "that is not right" and spoke with their wallets. What happened? Nintendo ACTUALLY LOWERED THE PRICE. Wait a second, the consumer spoke up and a company listened? Apparently.
Imo, the kids have become so addicted to all things surrounding COD that I bet if the game was released at $99 w/a $9.99/month elite service thing, these kids would still buy it. THAT I find quite sad.
People maybe not complained about the 3DS price, maybe they not event want DS 1.5 with bad 3D effect slapped on it+ lack of games...
Let all CoD haters be hating, it is apparently more people that love CoD to make it the biggest game in the industry. It is not that people cant see these "flaws", it is more like small things that is unimportant to majority of players to make a game fun and entertaining(which is only reason we play games right?).
I apologize but I did not understand the majority of your post. What I did gather from it was that it is okay to release yearly rehashes? COD almost holds a Madden esque share of the fps market. Is it okay for sports games to be released every year, that are essentially the same game? I've bought one Madden this gen, last years game. I enjoy it. It is a quality game, but will I buy this years? I really doubt it. Fact of the matter is that COD releases, like them or not, are essentially download content. Wouldn't you rather buy a COD game and have the developer give you a new campaign for say $15-20, with occasionally supplying you with a few new maps/multiplayer features for $5-10?
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