AC is successful because it attracts people who are into history and brings in the sci-fi conspiracy wackos aswell. I like the historical setting sof the AC games as they actually tend to be pretty damn accurate and the storyline it'self is also very well told and it's one of the few games that makes you think and question things. The only other game out there that I can remember making me do that is Bioshock 1, that game is actually saying ALOT about society...
The AC series does have it's flaws though, in particular the combat is TOO easy. Just stand there and press square button to counter and you always win. And the controls suck, climbing and running is a pain in the ass, I always miss a jump or the stupid guy doesn't grab on to something in time and just commits sucide. Why didn't they just make one button for jumping like they do in EVERY other game out there! That would make more sense, and the climbing is awkard, they should make it like Uncharted's climbing where it actually WORKS! These two things really piss me off about the series and it stops it from being great in my eyes, the games are still good, but not great at all.
Oh and what the hell happened to the graphics between AC 1 (a repetitive mess) and AC 2? The graphics got a SEVERE downgrade! I was like "wtf happened to the graphics" when I played AC2 lol.
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