I just cant see how so many thread say that the system is failing... It is not doing as well as it could be, since it seems to be common knowledge that it has superior hardware, but itseemsto bedoing well for itself. Sony are not worrying about the situation it seems.
I checked here:
....and nothing on the PS3 :
I read the article and it says:
For the sake of scope, a commercial failure for a video game hardware platform is generally defined as a system that either fails to become adopted by a significant portion of the gaming market place, or fails to win significant mindshare of the target audience. This definition should be applied internationally, and not based strictly on the success or failure of a platform in any one given market (e.g. North America).
I'm sitting here thinking... maybe fanboys are reading a bit too many self help books in their spare time and are trying to make a self-fulfilling prophecy by constantly claiming the system is failing... Anyone think otherwise?
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