I mean most Blu-Ray players are $200+ so if you have an HDTV and no BD-Rom PS3 is the obvious choice? Unless your an online game nut, then I'd go with 360, or just use my computer.
Don't tell me blah blah blah games. Thats opinionated and you pick to your preference, neither has better exclusives overall, just some are more fun to others. I'm just stating that if you have HD, and want Blu-Ray (Which does make a difference), its like your buying a $200 Blu-Ray player and a $200 Game Console, which 360 is starting at tha anyway. Of course if you don't want Blu-Ray, no one is holding a gun to your head. But I'd say the PS3 is Justly priced, all depends on what you want.
Update: Look, not many of you understand what my point was, save a few of you. I'm saying people act like the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 are the same thing, whereas we can all agree PS3 has more features (Whether or not you want/would use them). I have an HDTV, and having a PS3 makes things all the nicer with the Blu-Ray, and all PS3 games being scratch proof. Not to mention Wi-Fi in a house with wireless internet already. You get wjhat you pay for is what some Xbox owners say when comparing PSN and XBL, and I only applied the same here. And as for the PS3 not being "Hardcore", It does everything Xbox 360 does save some of the online features, but then again according to some, people don't want to pay for that extra crap. You can't use one argument for one thing, but when its turned around on you dismiss it. People need to understand yes you pay more for the Playstation 3, but if that stuff will only enhance your expierence I highly reccommed dishing out some more cash for it.
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