with Sony still producing ps2's, is it safe to assume that ps3 is gonna be supported for 6-7 years? will the Cell and the bluray format help the ps3 have a long lifecycle?
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with Sony still producing ps2's, is it safe to assume that ps3 is gonna be supported for 6-7 years? will the Cell and the bluray format help the ps3 have a long lifecycle?
idk what you mean by "just like the PS2" i think it will last as long as great games came out from her, with the PS2 i think its safe to say God of War 2, from there it was the downfall imo tc says Sony is still making PS2's, true, but new games are not, i'm guessing the people that are buying the PS2s now adays are for replacement to play their old games, in my local store the only PS2 software you find are those that no one buys, barbie and things like that.as a bluray player, a lot, as a gaming machine, not much, I mean just like the ps2, it's already starting to feel old
[QUOTE="aia89"]idk what you mean by "just like the PS2" i think it will last as long as great games came out from her, with the PS2 i think its safe to say God of War 2, from there it was the downfall imo tc says Sony is still making PS2's, true, but new games are not, i'm guessing the people that are buying the PS2s now adays are for replacement to play their old games, in my local store the only PS2 software you find are those that no one buys, barbie and things like that. I mean graphics are strating to feel old on consoles and this won't get better in 5 years time. both the 360 and the ps3 have matured already, we won't see any major leaps in graphics. they better optimize games to run at a stable framerate, there are way too many poor-performance titles out there, especially on the ps3. so I hope next gen approches sooner than later and that finally the new systems can deliver 1080p and 60fps as a standard.as a bluray player, a lot, as a gaming machine, not much, I mean just like the ps2, it's already starting to feel old
as they have only just started to turn a profit from the PS3 i would expect to see it around for a long time to come.
I think they make more money on the console the longer they support it, so the only real driver to jump into next gen is what the competition is doing. I think they'll continue to support the ps3 as long as it has a market worth supporting, just like the ps2.
I also think that once they stop supporting the ps2 is when they'll bring their software BC solution to ps3. The ps2 has probably brought in a lot of profit for Sony this gen, and it certainly doesn't hurt to show your costumers that they can buy your products in confidence that they'll be supported for the long haul.
Sony has already promised at least 10 years of support for the PS3. A PS4 will probably launch before those 10 years are up, but it depends. I don't think Sony can afford to put out anything better than it for a long time. It took 3 years just to bring it down to the PS2's launch price point. It's only been at a consumer-friendly price point for less than a year.
I think it potentially has up to 5 more years of being Sony's leading console, and then afterwords it will spread to the developing markets... it will be around a while.
The Cell is ancient tech... Why do people think it's some adaptable, upgradable silicone chip capable of a thought process, and evolution? :lol:
2016 IMO is when the PS4 will likely come out, so that gives sony 6 years of profiting from PS3 and recoup their money. For some reason they just love to make their own cpu's and gpu's hybrids which I never understood, which is hell for developers. They need to pop in top of the line modified ATI NVIDIA card and Intel's top of the line CPU and call it a day.
I say an announcement of the next Playstation in 2 years... released on the 3rd year. There is no way these consoles will chug along by "themselves" as the "forefront of gaming tech" for longer than that. The handheld generation has grown a year or two from five to six or seven years, as the 3DS is immensely welcome and people are expecting a new PSP. I say the same has happened to consoles and we can expect to hear things in the next year or two.
I do think if Microsoft launches a new console, Sony's gotta follow through with a successor a year later (whether they want to or not, and they probably won't want to). Two years of allowing Microsoft to establish an install base could end up losing them North America again.
Luckily for Sony, Microsoft is equally reluctant to launch a new console. Even decreased worldwide sales are made up for by increased profitability and a high attach rate, and the launch of Kinect means MS won't be ditching the platform anytime soon.
"by then" the PS3 hardware is outdated now... the cell is a 2001 design and even just 2008 they had improved and redesigned it, who knows how the cell has evolved now we are at 2010 but I remember sony saying they would keep the cell and use it in the ps4 since most developers are fairly adept at the programming it seems pointless to just drop years of learning and go with a cheaper easier alternative. So the PS3 is kind of on it's limit and the only thing developers can do now is make their own software and engines run more efficient on the ps3 since thehardware is running at about 99-100% of the time. Still the PS3 is gonna be with us until late 2014 i'm guessing, unless MS bring something out before then.6-7 years? I don't think so.
It's hardware would be extremely outdated by then.
But what would be the point, really? The Wii still outsells both of them and is an entire generation behind them technically. Power just doesn't sell consoles like it used to.I say an announcement of the next Playstation in 2 years... released on the 3rd year. There is no way these consoles will chug along by "themselves" as the "forefront of gaming tech" for longer than that. The handheld generation has grown a year or two from five to six or seven years, as the 3DS is immensely welcome and people are expecting a new PSP. I say the same has happened to consoles and we can expect to hear things in the next year or two.
It will really be up to consumers to decide when they're no longer interested in buying 360s and PS3s -- when hardware sales start to decrease despite price cuts. But Sony's year over year hardware sales have increased dramatically since it hit the $299 price point. Imagine how well the PS3 could sell at the $249, $199... someday the $149 price point?
The PS3 is just getting started; honestly, in a lot of ways, it didn't really launch until last year.
The companies dont care if their tech is outdated or not, they are just looking at the money made of the console. One good thing about all this is if its in 2016 there willl be a major leap in technology from one console to another, by then we will probably have TV's displaying higher resolution than 1080p
nope. ps3 will last 3-4 years max. no way sony will support ps3 after ps4 comes out.
1. it cost alot to make games on it
2.it wont even get 3rd party support because if you look at gamefly and see all the multi plat games are being made for wii/ps2/psp//ds and the 360. but not the ps3. their has to be a reason why..
3.only thing sony wanted out of the ps3 was to win the hd movie format war. so the system its self cant really handle blu ray games like you might think.
im betting sony cant wait to dump the ps3 and move forward with the ps4 which will show what blu ray can really do for gaming.
with Sony still producing ps2's, is it safe to assume that ps3 is gonna be supported for 6-7 years? will the Cell and the bluray format help the ps3 have a long lifecycle?
It was not easy to switch to this gen and if there is a big enough jump in power or tech that does not match then it will be harder next gen.
THUS, I think Sony will focus now and in the future years focus on PS3, PSP, PSP2, PSN, PS2 that is enough for a while till PS3 starts to sell to the PS2 people and PS2 does not sell anymore. I think there will be several updates to PS3 that allow it to beslightly powerful.
Sony will work on PS4 for a while before it comes out with developers, designers... to decide the right path. It is going to take a while just for the concept stage which they are now on. with Price, power, and complexity in mind. along with lessons of this generation. I give it till 2017 for PS4 to come out. why because unless some new tech comes out that takes gaming to the next level, small updates all around will do little to change game play and people will not be in a hurry asthey were from PS1 to PS2 and even more people will hold out from PS3/Xbox 360 to next gen. To sell to the few million in the first years is like to make High end PC gamers the people publishers make games for.
im guessing MS and Sony are aiming for a 2013 holiday release...
if the move or kinect are big hits, then probably 2014.
if they are failures, then maybe even 2012.
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