I'm not talking about Microsoft, they'll never go bust, I am talking about the game console of Xbox 360. I am sure the console will only last another 2 years at max until the PS3 is miles ahead.
I was an Xbox 360 owner a couple of years ago, I didn't rate the console that highly. Many faults it had, including chewing up game discs, red ring of deaf, sounded like a hair dryer, overheated, build quality was very cheap, didn't come with a charger kit for the controller, no usb, no built in blue ray or hd player, no bluetooth, no web browser, no vid zone, no free online membership unlimited.
I've now got a Playstation 3 and I can honestly say that I was deluded into thinking the Xbox 360 was as good as the PS3. No way, not a chance! The PS3 doesn't have to look back with such a lead, until you xbox fanboys stop being biased and see the light you'll realise that the PS3 is just something quite special.
Sony has so much more class than Microsoft. Technology wise nothing beats Sony, they care about their customers and they have made the console as perfect as can be so it doesn't break down and can offer a lot of entertainment!
As for games, PS3 has best exclusives by far. MGS4, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Infamous
Don't call me biased, this is a 100% none biased review, that's my honest truth! Xbox 360 fans, sell your console and buy a PS3 I'll guarantee you'll enjoy it much more. Also stop deluding yourselfs, Halo is the most overrated game ever!
100% unbiased...that' good...wow that was the best laugh I had all day. Good job. Did you actually read over what you wrote. Jack Tretton is not biased either you are in good company...lol.
I'm all for you having pride in your system. PS3 is a good system but seriously give it up. the 360 is not going anywhere anytime soon. I have both systems (and a Wii) and both are great in their own ways. Is the 360 perfect nope...is the PS3..nope.
You've got to get over the Halo thing, it really is the first step to recovery.I personally am not a big fan of Halo 2 or 3 but there are alot of people who are so it must be doing something right. Oh and you forgot no built in Wi-fi for the 360. You will be banned from the PS3 fanboys club for forgetting such an important fact. Keep up with the list it is only posted on here at least 100 times a day.
In a matter of personal opinion, I'm glad the 360 controller doesn't have a rechargable battery pak on the back of it like the PS3. Rechargeable batteries cost about $4 for 4 AA batteries. I always have a fresh set ready to be popped into my controller and I don't have to worry about forgetting to tether my controller to my system so it can recharge. Even better when the rechargeable batteries do wear out I just grab some new ones alot cheaper than replacing the pak on the back of a PS3 controller.
Well gotta go feed my 360 it's daily dose of DVD. It's hungry, it hasn't chewed up a CoD disc since last night...hope it doesn't try to eat me when I sleep...
Just so people don't take it too seriously. Both of my 360's sit horizontal, and neither has ever messed up a disc, not even a small ring.
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