[QUOTE="haols"] NO, that is not the same :|
Technology advances far quicker now then ever before.
Next generation we will most likely see another increase in resolution, most likely they will aim for the so called extreme HD. (beyond 1080p).
Needles to say, the GPUs will evolve accordingly.
The jump form N64 to Xbox however, wasn't as big as one might think, just look at the difference between Halo 2 and Perfect dark, then look at Gears of War.
This gen (not counting Wii) has been the greatest leap in graphis since the jump from 2D to 3D.
not really. the jump from halo 2 to gears is not as significant as the jump from goldeneye(n64) to f-zero GX (gamecube)
You can not compare a FPS to a racer :|
Just look at todays racers, they look brilliant. Far ahead of the FPS games on the same consoles, why?
Because the only thing that needs very much details are the cars/machines racing. The enviorments doesn't have to look very splendid at all.
Just brake in F-zero and look beside the racing track, not to beautiful backgrounds.
Compare one FPS game from each console and you will come to the conclusion that this gen is far ahead of last-gen, even though this gen has just started.
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