I just got a ps3 so now I have an xbox and a ps3. Just wondering who else has both and what you prefer. I like them equally? This should give a pretty unbiased opinion. If you don't have both stay out. I guess i could make this an any 2 console or pc and console thread but we will keep it as just 360 and ps3 to keep it less confusing.
I think the ps3 hardware is nicer and free online, and some of it's top exclusives have better graphics and just look slightly nicer and are higher quality. The ps3 is doing some really nice things with games like Uncharted, Metal Gear, the show, Heavy rain etc...
It's quieter, blu-ray etc.
The sixaxis is nice in it's own way. It seems more advanced than the 360 controller in certain regards with the buttons being more touch sensitive and motion control being incorporated in some games.
The 360 has games that are geared towards what I like. Hard to explain since the ps3 has the show and i love sports games. I also love adventure games and used to love point and click adevntures. Those are my two favorite genres with action adventure and the ps3 is the only console that has a game like the Show and Heavy Rain.
But for just general gaming the 360 does better. Multiplats run better. Live updates faster. Maybe it's an american thing and it has western rpgs like ME, Fable and other games like splinter cell, gears, halo etc that are more americanized.
I like the 360 controller better. IT might not do as much, but it's just more functional to me and the layout is better, it's more natural and comfortable in my hands.
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