I was talking with an ex-freelance game journalist yesterday on an "anonymous" forum. He claimed to have worked regularly for a somewhat major gaming news outlet until he was blacklisted from the industry for trying to expose the rampant corruption. He then went on to say things like the following:
Every publisher out there tries to buy scores, with the only exception possibly being Nintendo (he admitted he just hadn't found any evidence against the big N, but they could be guilty of it too). Even Indie developers do this, the difference being they don't have the same kind of resources to work with.
He said that every A, B or C-list game site is corrupt as far as he knows. Big name sites like IGN, Game Informer, Pc Gamer and, yes, Gamespot are rampant with corruption. Reviewers are often offered incentives for tuning up scores, and there are usually deals in place between big name publishers and gaming sites involving advertising revenue, paid vacations, monetary gifts and, in rare cases, even high profile prostitutes in exchange for more favorable reviews.
He said that Companies like EA have hundreds of people at all times whose only jobs are to post favorable comments about their games in forums and monitor the internet to find out what is being said about their products. There are sites like NeoGAF which are actually owned by various publishers. These sites are used to manipulate the consumer landscape in the gaming industry. That's where concepts like "core" gamers come from.
He said that Adam Sessler is generally considered to be a jackass amongst his peers, and that he has major issues regarding his hair loss. G4 employees are warned not to even mention his hair at any point in his company, because he will go berserk.
Now, I'm not sure how much of this is legit, but he made some remarks that at the very least showed that he'd done lots of research to concoct such an elaborate lie. And when you look at things like the infamous Kane & Lynch incident here on Gamespot, ridiculously inflated scores of high profile games (GTA IV a 10?! Gears of War 3 a 9.5? All those other 9s and 9.5s for games that are legitimately 8s or 7s?), the Black Ops Mansion Getaway fiasco, The DICE review copy filtering, multiple times that Rockstar has been ousted for bribery...I don't know. It's kind of worrying.
So, and here's my main point, with all of this stuff out there, a lot of it just a google search away, why do people on System Wars still use game scores as arguing points? Why do you let these review scores influence your gaming decisions? I think it's about time we, as gamers, took a little more responsibility for how we get our information, and what we let influence our purchases. That's all I guess.
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