Halo 2 scored a 9.4! And that was with a disappointing SP campaign to most Halo fans including myself. The Bungie devs were still able to push out a AAA product when they had even admitted themselves that they had rushed the game. In one of their bungie.net articles, they said they had zero time to polish out Halo 2 whereas they had 6 months for Halo:CE.
Now why would Halo 3 score less than Halo 2?
They now have free time to polish Halo 3. Halo 3 will own in both it's Campaign & MP mode if you have been following their weekly updates. They have set to make many changes to enhance the gameplay such as (stolen from Spartan070)
Shield Grenade Gadgets
Trip Mines(Proximity Mines)
Man Cannons
No more Teleporters
Shield Doors
Nail Grenades
Anti-Vehicle Lasers
Portable Gravity Lifts
Plus much, much more.
(My inclusions)
* Mute button!
* Slow-mo replays
* More fine-tuning to it's already excellent A.I
This is being released on the Xbox360. This is all the more reason why it can't be less than 9.4.
"Buh buh Zelda:TP flopped" Well.. I dont know I havnt played it. My best guess is that it's a GC game in heart. Halo 3 & GTA4 will not flop though because they are on the true 'next-gen' systems!!
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