So after yesterday, I literally turned my PS4 on, scrolled through my library, and turned it off. Never actually did that with a console before, so I was kinda disheartened. It's not that I don't like indies, but nothing compels me to start it that I haven't tried; Road Not Taken looks okay, Transistor, eh, Doki Doki Universe crashes like every system it's on.
I mean, there is Fez and Rogue Legacy but I play those on Vita more often because they feel better there. Not only that, I wanted to play big budget games/ 3D games, but none of those on the system compel me enough as great games, sans TLoU Remastered which I already beat on PS3. I've beat inFamous, Contrast, MGS Ground Zeroes, and Octodad on PS4 but nothing else feels must play, aside from the occasional Gun Game match in CoD.
Not to mention that my PS3 which rests on top of it has a backlog of games that scratch that itch, and many of them too.
Anyone else feeling disappointed with what's on offer so far?
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