Stricly my opnions.
1. To implement new ads. No pun intended. The PS GUI and PSN are simply lacking the advertisements that define this generation. We need more ads to tell us what we need to buy.
2. Remake controller featuring a removable battery that can be plugged into the wall rather than into the console with a USB cable. Plugging the entire controller into the PS3 using a USB cable just isnt convenient. Id rather take out the battery and plug it into the wall.
3. One mic that plugs into the controller. This will keep gamers from getting their mics mixed up with their friends since the mic will always be plugged into the same controller.
4. Leave Blu-Ray and use DVDs. Although Blu-Ray is larger capacity and scratch resistant, it costs too much and I would rather buy a DVD. Plus having a multiple disc game looks cool. Its also the reason the 360 has less piracy.
5. Less exclusive games because its unfair for gamers who dont own a PS3.
6. Include online capability only for people who subscribe to PSN+. This will increase profit for the company and add value to the online capability of the PS3 for consumers. It will also allow Sony to make online faster because P2P on the PSN is too slow. MW2 lags for me.
7. New Halo-esque franchise or some kind of space marine game because its synonymous with this generation. Its what the people want so give it to us.
8. Get more developers to develop games for the PS Eye. PS Move is too hardcore. Sony needs to attract more moms and kids. This will spawn a new genre of games that will drive innovation.
9. Start appealing to kids more because gamers on the PSN are too mature. PSN users dont use profanity and it makes the community seem too good. Most kids like to use profanity and bad language so if Sony appeals to them more, then more people would play on PSN.
10. Why not use roprietary hard drives? This will give Sony more control of consumers. It will increase profit and reduce the number of hackers in MW2.
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