7.5 million difference in sales despite sony not being china( = 100 countries) market is very hard to catch with current x1 news for their future. They have only two good system-selling exclusives left and i hope they make it really good. Also i dont think x1's being inferior when it comes to hardware is not the issue. Their pre-release policies damaging them is the real issue there. So if we look at 2015's line up for ps4;
-Uncharted 4
-The Order: 1886
-Ratchet and Clank RM
-No Man's Sky
-Street Fighter 5
What has x1 to offer to us gamers? They already stopped price discount and have little to offer us. Even this year they had better offerings, they couldnt surprass ps4 even sony had bad offerings this year. So this year, this situation will be worse than ever. I want x1 to be able to compete with ps4 so we gamers win at the end!! What do you think about what they should do to save x1?
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