Where then, here I go. Time to troll. I'm going to repeatively repeat many things I keep repetively hearing:
Sony is DOOMED! Even though they sell many differernt products, and have done so always, and consoles arent their only money maker, they are still doomed anyway. Just because I say so ;)
3D is a stupid gimmick to somehow make up for its absurd graphics. I dont care about those god damn resident evil screenshots! Plus its a doomed console! Dying at the hands of Apple. I dont care if it has had 12 million sales worldwide!
Vita is better then 3DS.
3DS is better then Vita
Wait a minute, theres no way to actually say which is the better console? They both sell completely different types of games? I didnt know that? :O
Call of duty is nothing more but a rehash of all its previous installment. Its a cheap rip-off. And there is no argument you can use against me on this one.
FINAL FANTASY 13 SUCKS! And 13-2 is even more horrible. Its a rip off of Chrono-Trigger!
Nintendo was only good in the 80s.
Ps3 was the winner of this gen, wait... Wii's sale blew xbox and Ps3 into pieces?!
Wii is nothing more then a crappy hardware with crappy games.
Wii is for kid thus it is terrible, ignoring that fact that video games were originally made for kids of course.
Wait, I left xbox out. It has no exclusives!
Halo 4 will suck
Uncharted 3 sucks
Gears of Wars 3 sucks
Skyward Sword sucks
Every sequel sucks!
Nintendo needs new IPs! All they do is rehash the same game over and over again, ignoring its many new IPs such as Xenoblade Chronicles, and the fact that Mario Galaxy has very differernt gameplay then its predcessor, and the Zelda franchise has only used its 3D formular 5 times.
Metroid Prime is a rip off of halo- ignoring the fact that Metroid came first.
PC gaming is far superior to console gaming.
I dont care if PC gaming is superior. I want a couch. A COUCH DAMN IT!
I am a good gamer who doesnt touch Nintendo garbarge. I'm very open minded when it comes to games.
Anyone who disagrees with me doesn't know how to read.
People dont use logic on System wars, wtf is wrong with you. STOP USING LOGIC!
You are just a stupid sheep.
You are just a stupid cow.
Why do I never read: You are just a stupid lemmings? :S
Hate on kinect instead.
Motion Controls are a gimmick
Having a TV to play your games on is a gimmick.
Wii-U will be the END of Nintendo
Vita IS the END of Sony
Microsoft is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming
Sony will not die, simply because I'm a cow god damn it! I'm ONE person who will never let them down.
Tom McShea doesnt know how to play.
7.5... LOL
Skyrim is a overrated piece of crap with mediocre gameplay and horrible game breaking bugs.
Its Bethesda, what did you expect?
What? Does that some how excuse it?
simomate, are you bored?
And lastly. why does no one argue about Sims 3 and its expansions ._.
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